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It's called
I'll be elaborating more and more as I have time, but basically this is it:
Opening scene features Superman saving the day by stoping a huge kidnapping. The mayor is kidnapped, and taken away via helictoper, and superman saves her in a midair rescue. back to seen, lois an jimmy are all over it(clarks a bit late).
they get back to the planet, where we see clark. later that night, superman pays Lois a visit. they have a secret relationship, its obvious they are still in love. superman flys off, and lois leaves.
meanwhile, across the world at night in arizona,m a space laboratorysees this massive objext hurtling towards earth-they think its a asteroid! alerts are sent out, clark finds out at the planet, and quickly flys up to see whats up, only to find it has "vanished". its also dissapeared from all radar.
meanwhile, pan over the sahara desert to find lex, kitty, and company on camels en route to cairo. they were saved by a chinese fishing boat and now lex is trying to come in contact with his ex partner. hes been plotting revenge on the man of steel for a while now.
meanwhile, clark and Lois are sent out to cover Richards innauguration as an air force commander thingie. his brave acts in superman returns have garnered much respect. its in new york. clark and lois go on a sight seeing trip, clark flirting hard, lois semi taking the bait. clark really wants to tell her who he is.their in new york taxi when a stragegically planed bank robbery happens. 2 huge 18 wheels block off part of a street, and the first floors on both side building explode. out of the 18 wheelers, thugs jump out-turns out on side is jewelry shop, on the other side a bank. lois screams, and looks over-clarks gone. she fraks-cut to an alley-clark becomes superman. he flys down, and blows out the fires, while the hugs load loot into the trucks. one takes off. it cuts down the street, smashing int ocars. lois is trapped-doors pinned shut. superman quickly swoops down and rips open the roof and grabs her out before she can get hit. he drops up on a roodtop, and she ushers thanks as he dives down back to the scene. he quickly freezes the frozen truck in place, and then knocks a billboard to keep from getting anywhere. meanwhile the last truck enters the freeway-superman follows. he cant juststop it here, itl l cause a huge accident. he tells the driver to pull over, but he wont. supes flys around back, and tries to grab it from behind, but a man opens the door and throws a grenade. superman falls back is lown back into a car by the explosion. he swoops in again, this time for the front. the driver swurves, and knocks superman in midair(causing a huge gash to the truck), and the truck turns and crahses through a wall, and slams down 15 feet onto a bridge-now superman flies in for the last time, having had enough. he grabs the front of the 18 wheels, and picks it up, and quickly sets it down UPSIDE DOWN infront of the cop station.
he quickly flies back to lois, who is now freaked out by clarks absense, telling superman they have to find him! he grabs her. he reaches into his pocket and takes out his glasses. lois GASPS-she doesnt know why, but knowing clark and superman are the same person...is just better.she likes supes a lot, and likes clark a little, and combined, that forces her to ... fall back in love. at the inuaguration ceromony, richard looks over to his wife, to see her just staring at clark, whose staring back. hes a good guy, but he isnt stupid.
meanwhile, BRAINIAC comes to Earth in his skull ship searching for superman, and crashs into the sahara as its the emptiest place on earth. he has found new krypton in space and wants the rest of supermans technology to make his own planet which hed rule. he's got no idea what to do, so n his human look, he goes to cairo. we meet luthor in a bar, reasing a paper about the "6/30 hero getting recognized" -richard being innuagurated, with lois next to him, then a pic of superman above. lex instantly notices something is wrong with brainiac, who askes to see the paper. he asks about superman, who lex says he hates, ect. lex figures out who is(he saw the ship crash) anbd says he wants superman dead, and brainiac wants his tech. if superman dies, theyll be able to get the tech. brainiac agrees to help kill superman if luthor helps him get the technology as lex knows where the fortress is. brainiac says they need to find a person who already dislikes superman, and hell make him" a match". lex looks down, and sees richard, and it hits him.
meanwhile, in upstate new york compound, richards alone, in a lab. explosion abound, the troops to fight off brainiac who quickly wipes them out. he finds richard, who now dislikes superman, and tell him their tryign to pass a law to make superman illegal. he agrees to help them, when they kidnap him. holding themselves up in an abandoned warehouse in washington.
ill finish the update later.
. hes unwittingly kidnapped and turned into Metallo-he puts 2 redkryptonion crystals into his mechanic upperbody. he wears a sleek black costume.
-clark n lois return back. they spend the night on the eifil tower, where superman tells lois he wants to quit being superman and be with her. lois objects.the next day richard doesnt land at metropolis airport. superman fights metallo in a small battle in metropolis, before supeman throws him itno the middle of the pacific.
mad at the failure, lex sends metallo to break into the national archives and get kryptonite. meanwhile,superman and lois dine in the fortress ala superman 2. jasons at his grandmas. superman shows her around the fortress. they hook up. richard is seemingly out of her mind.
the next day, clark and lois both kind of float around. suddenly a mega boom-metallo has crash landed in a brainiac mades pace pod in the middle of metropolis. a worldwide super ifght continues, with superman and him ending up in metropolis again,lois feet away-superman is dying from thekryptonite now inbeded in metellos fist.they kill eachother as superman rips out metallo life crystal-and they both fall 100 stories down to the street and crash hard.lois rushs over to a dying superman, when metallo pulls off his mask.
its richard. she cant believe it. he tells luthor brain washed him, and that he needs help. lois feels aweful, and has no idea what to do. she has to either save SUPERMAN or save richard.
meanwhile, brainiacs warship crash lands in d.c.-its about noon time. they take over the white house and seemingly the worldin a matter of minute via intimidation by using footage of a dead superman. the world gets pissed.
manwhile, lois has decided to take richard(he can actually be saved meanwhile they can do nothing for superman). the bridge their on is collapsing(suspension bridge) and they rishoff the bridge. the bridge breaks and superman collapses into the ocean. when he sees the ice crystalfrom metallo-he grabs it-its ENERGZING-He holds onto it, and bullets from the bottom of the ocean, tearing towards the sun for energy. meanwhile, lois is overtaken my metallo, whose still enraged that she left him for lois. in her car, metallo takes it and throws it as far as he can-only to be caught by superman, who sets it down on a rooftop. they tlak breifly,exchange i love yous, and she tells him brainiacs got d.c. and that he could die, that he and metallo hae kryptonite. superman flies off the screen-hes got life saving crystal and a plan. he draws metallo to the artic, a place superman knows,theres a spectacular ice fight until superman melts a lake and throws metallo into it, and refreezes it all up-hes trapped.
superman then converges on d.c. where thousands of troops are. superman crashes the white house, and afraid of his new power, brainiac leaves and lex and retreates to his skull ship. superman and he have a fight on board the crashing ship and superman wins. Thematically, superman is having loads of doubt over his Lois situation. no moping, this is private stuff. he contemplates a perminant leave AGAIN to smallville. but in the end he realizes its his destiny to be hear, that he will be superman FOREVER. Him and lois get together at the end.
it would be very light and action packed movie.
stay tuned a sitll get more detailed by the day!
I'll be elaborating more and more as I have time, but basically this is it:
Opening scene features Superman saving the day by stoping a huge kidnapping. The mayor is kidnapped, and taken away via helictoper, and superman saves her in a midair rescue. back to seen, lois an jimmy are all over it(clarks a bit late).
they get back to the planet, where we see clark. later that night, superman pays Lois a visit. they have a secret relationship, its obvious they are still in love. superman flys off, and lois leaves.
meanwhile, across the world at night in arizona,m a space laboratorysees this massive objext hurtling towards earth-they think its a asteroid! alerts are sent out, clark finds out at the planet, and quickly flys up to see whats up, only to find it has "vanished". its also dissapeared from all radar.
meanwhile, pan over the sahara desert to find lex, kitty, and company on camels en route to cairo. they were saved by a chinese fishing boat and now lex is trying to come in contact with his ex partner. hes been plotting revenge on the man of steel for a while now.
meanwhile, clark and Lois are sent out to cover Richards innauguration as an air force commander thingie. his brave acts in superman returns have garnered much respect. its in new york. clark and lois go on a sight seeing trip, clark flirting hard, lois semi taking the bait. clark really wants to tell her who he is.their in new york taxi when a stragegically planed bank robbery happens. 2 huge 18 wheels block off part of a street, and the first floors on both side building explode. out of the 18 wheelers, thugs jump out-turns out on side is jewelry shop, on the other side a bank. lois screams, and looks over-clarks gone. she fraks-cut to an alley-clark becomes superman. he flys down, and blows out the fires, while the hugs load loot into the trucks. one takes off. it cuts down the street, smashing int ocars. lois is trapped-doors pinned shut. superman quickly swoops down and rips open the roof and grabs her out before she can get hit. he drops up on a roodtop, and she ushers thanks as he dives down back to the scene. he quickly freezes the frozen truck in place, and then knocks a billboard to keep from getting anywhere. meanwhile the last truck enters the freeway-superman follows. he cant juststop it here, itl l cause a huge accident. he tells the driver to pull over, but he wont. supes flys around back, and tries to grab it from behind, but a man opens the door and throws a grenade. superman falls back is lown back into a car by the explosion. he swoops in again, this time for the front. the driver swurves, and knocks superman in midair(causing a huge gash to the truck), and the truck turns and crahses through a wall, and slams down 15 feet onto a bridge-now superman flies in for the last time, having had enough. he grabs the front of the 18 wheels, and picks it up, and quickly sets it down UPSIDE DOWN infront of the cop station.
he quickly flies back to lois, who is now freaked out by clarks absense, telling superman they have to find him! he grabs her. he reaches into his pocket and takes out his glasses. lois GASPS-she doesnt know why, but knowing clark and superman are the same person...is just better.she likes supes a lot, and likes clark a little, and combined, that forces her to ... fall back in love. at the inuaguration ceromony, richard looks over to his wife, to see her just staring at clark, whose staring back. hes a good guy, but he isnt stupid.
meanwhile, BRAINIAC comes to Earth in his skull ship searching for superman, and crashs into the sahara as its the emptiest place on earth. he has found new krypton in space and wants the rest of supermans technology to make his own planet which hed rule. he's got no idea what to do, so n his human look, he goes to cairo. we meet luthor in a bar, reasing a paper about the "6/30 hero getting recognized" -richard being innuagurated, with lois next to him, then a pic of superman above. lex instantly notices something is wrong with brainiac, who askes to see the paper. he asks about superman, who lex says he hates, ect. lex figures out who is(he saw the ship crash) anbd says he wants superman dead, and brainiac wants his tech. if superman dies, theyll be able to get the tech. brainiac agrees to help kill superman if luthor helps him get the technology as lex knows where the fortress is. brainiac says they need to find a person who already dislikes superman, and hell make him" a match". lex looks down, and sees richard, and it hits him.
meanwhile, in upstate new york compound, richards alone, in a lab. explosion abound, the troops to fight off brainiac who quickly wipes them out. he finds richard, who now dislikes superman, and tell him their tryign to pass a law to make superman illegal. he agrees to help them, when they kidnap him. holding themselves up in an abandoned warehouse in washington.
ill finish the update later.
. hes unwittingly kidnapped and turned into Metallo-he puts 2 redkryptonion crystals into his mechanic upperbody. he wears a sleek black costume.
-clark n lois return back. they spend the night on the eifil tower, where superman tells lois he wants to quit being superman and be with her. lois objects.the next day richard doesnt land at metropolis airport. superman fights metallo in a small battle in metropolis, before supeman throws him itno the middle of the pacific.
mad at the failure, lex sends metallo to break into the national archives and get kryptonite. meanwhile,superman and lois dine in the fortress ala superman 2. jasons at his grandmas. superman shows her around the fortress. they hook up. richard is seemingly out of her mind.
the next day, clark and lois both kind of float around. suddenly a mega boom-metallo has crash landed in a brainiac mades pace pod in the middle of metropolis. a worldwide super ifght continues, with superman and him ending up in metropolis again,lois feet away-superman is dying from thekryptonite now inbeded in metellos fist.they kill eachother as superman rips out metallo life crystal-and they both fall 100 stories down to the street and crash hard.lois rushs over to a dying superman, when metallo pulls off his mask.
its richard. she cant believe it. he tells luthor brain washed him, and that he needs help. lois feels aweful, and has no idea what to do. she has to either save SUPERMAN or save richard.
meanwhile, brainiacs warship crash lands in d.c.-its about noon time. they take over the white house and seemingly the worldin a matter of minute via intimidation by using footage of a dead superman. the world gets pissed.
manwhile, lois has decided to take richard(he can actually be saved meanwhile they can do nothing for superman). the bridge their on is collapsing(suspension bridge) and they rishoff the bridge. the bridge breaks and superman collapses into the ocean. when he sees the ice crystalfrom metallo-he grabs it-its ENERGZING-He holds onto it, and bullets from the bottom of the ocean, tearing towards the sun for energy. meanwhile, lois is overtaken my metallo, whose still enraged that she left him for lois. in her car, metallo takes it and throws it as far as he can-only to be caught by superman, who sets it down on a rooftop. they tlak breifly,exchange i love yous, and she tells him brainiacs got d.c. and that he could die, that he and metallo hae kryptonite. superman flies off the screen-hes got life saving crystal and a plan. he draws metallo to the artic, a place superman knows,theres a spectacular ice fight until superman melts a lake and throws metallo into it, and refreezes it all up-hes trapped.
superman then converges on d.c. where thousands of troops are. superman crashes the white house, and afraid of his new power, brainiac leaves and lex and retreates to his skull ship. superman and he have a fight on board the crashing ship and superman wins. Thematically, superman is having loads of doubt over his Lois situation. no moping, this is private stuff. he contemplates a perminant leave AGAIN to smallville. but in the end he realizes its his destiny to be hear, that he will be superman FOREVER. Him and lois get together at the end.
it would be very light and action packed movie.
stay tuned a sitll get more detailed by the day!