Dude I was a fan of the production all threw it, and wanted it to come out good, and liked alot of what I saw early on... Hated the suit from the day I saw it but I gave the movie a chance even tho I HATE all of Singers past work.
But I gave it a chance, and he once again just proved to me that he isn't a good enough director for big budget movies.
It's like if they gave M Night S. a shot at making a Superman movie.... It would be terrible!
Singer is a worse director then M. Night, and honestly neither one is worthy of such a movie.
There are only maybe a handful who I really think could do the movie justice... I rather wait a decade then get a re-start then sit threw another Singerman movie.. Sorry WB your not gonna sucker another 10$ from my wallet... I am NEVER watching another Singer man super hero movie... period.
I suggest you all who hated SR as much as I did do the same, and maybe after this blasphemies sequel gets made, and makes even less then SR at the boxoffice the WB will listen to the fans, and get a real director who hires REAL ACTORS, and not MTV actors to be in the movie.