I have not gone out on a real limb in quite some time...so here I go...
Sylar will save the day. He will NEVER be a good guy...but he will save the day anyways.
He and Peter are such polar opposites that they in turn will cancel eachother out. Sylar is the universe's check on Peter's ability. Ying to the Yang.
He will come to NYC and will be the only one who can stand up to Peter. He will not save NYC for altuistic reasons but he will be the one to fight Peter/ Uluru Manifest.
We used to look at the Uluru comic and assume that it was Hiro or Bennet who was facing off against Uluru. Let us not forget that when we first met Gabriel Gray he wore glasses as well.
"No one believed me, I am humanity's last hope" Those words are not something either Bennet or Hiro would say but they are definitley something we could imagine from Sylar.
This would be a huge twist. To make the bad guy...and he still is..the savior of NYC, but for his own personal reasons...
One of the posters at my website,
OWI, seems to have cracked the code for the entire show...come check it out...
HERE it will blow you away...SO SIMPLE