Iron Man New Pictures

Armored Avenger

A Wizard is never late...
Oct 28, 2007
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Here are a few new images from Iron Man:








They are from the new Iron Man/Audi website
(If these are old pictures then this thread can be closed)
Awesome pics and yes they're new.

great find :up:
are those pics from the AUDI site?
there is also an extended clip when he puts on the suit plus there is a clip of iron man flying.

tis movie will own. its pure action and fun.
Yes this movie will be pure entertainment. Great comedic timing, great action scenes and great fun.
how do you know its CGI?

p.s. iron monger pulls of hes mask? would explain a lot.
the head part looks a little CGI. but the body on the other hand looks real. maybe its the blur?

p.s. i still dont get how they build this suit. how can he move hes head in this? how was the neck area made.
the head part looks a little CGI. but the body on the other hand looks real. maybe its the blur?

p.s. i still dont get how they build this suit. how can he move hes head in this? how was the neck area made.
This is also why I think that picture is CGI, it looks like he is moving too easily. Because if Batman can't move in his suits of rubber, what chance does Iron Man have with fibreglass/plastic?

And Iron Man is Iron Man he can do whatever the hell he wants! ^_^
I cant find any of that stuff on the Audi page :(

So Rhodey fires a missile at him? Wha?
does anyone besides me thinks that IM would look better without the lights? like the comics
This is also why I think that picture is CGI, it looks like he is moving too easily. Because if Batman can't move in his suits of rubber, what chance does Iron Man have with fibreglass/plastic?

Well, Iron Man could probably turn his head easier, because the neck his parted, brocken down (?) (heck, my english sucks) in different sections. While Batman's neck is just one solid piece of rubber.

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