News anchor responds to rude email about her weight

Mildly overweight? This woman is clearly obese and admits as much. Whatever the reason, generally speaking, if fat (and skinny) people apply themselves, they should be able to lose weight and become healthier. Even "thyroid issues" can often be resolved with various treatments. The reason most people don't lose the weight is largely psychological. Many of the, probably need specific counseling in order to start doing so, and to get to the point where they can.

What ignorant stereotype did this guy supposedly offer? That being fat isn’t something children should aspire to be? That people should be unhappy with being fat? I didn’t see him say anything of the kind on that second pont. She’s the one who brought up “Be happy with who you are”. There was a time when being obese was considered unhealthy, and there are still people who feel that way. That’s all the guy was pointing out in the letter. He was basically stating an opinion, and she used on-air editorial time to basically say his opinion was invalid, and to get up on her soapbox.

The more I think about this situation, the less respect I have for her and for her network, as they are obviously milking this for all its worth. If her coworkers made a big deal about it, she could have diffused it or killed this story, not gone along with making this an “editorial”.
You don't fix thyroid problems like a knee.
What is the relationship betwen hypothyroidism and weight gain?
Since the BMR in the patient with hypothyroidism (see Hypothyroidism brochure) is decreased, an underactive thyroid is generally associated with some weight gain. The weight gain is often greater in those individuals with more severe hypothyroidism. However, the decrease in BMR due to hypothyroidism is usually much less dramatic than the marked increase seen in hyperthyroidism, leading to more modest alterations in weight due to the underactive thyroid. The cause of the weight gain in hypothyroid individuals is also complex, and not always related to excess fat accumulation. Most of the extra weight gained in hypothyroid individuals is due to excess accumulation of salt and water. Massive weight gain is rarely associated with hypothyroidism. In general, 5-10 pounds of body weight may be attributable to the thyroid, depending on the severity of the hypothyroidism. Finally, if weight gain is the only symptom of hypothyroidism that is present, it is less likely that the weight gain is solely due to the thyroid.

The thyroid is the lamest of the fatty excuses.
I dont know, but as I mentioned before if she did she would have either ignored the email or presented the evidence. She wanted to use airtime to make her point, why not bring on her Dr or some medical chart showing what's wrong with her?

I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I've heard chubs start going on and on about debilitating injuries or medical condition the moment something physical is mentioned. Non of them has scars up both sides of their knee though, or 3 fused vertebra (car accident 2 years ago) but I still train just as hard as I always did.

If you are injured or have a medical problem like any rational person you would be trying to get fitter and stronger to overcome it. My knee audibly clicks and the kneecap shifts to the inside, the reason I can walk let alone compete in swimming and karate is because I made my legs strong like tree trunks.

Not all disabled people can train to be Paralympic athletes. I'm sure you're a lot younger than her.

I was suppose to be on bed rest while pregnant and for the most part I ignored my Doctors orders, at times I regretted. No one could tell just by looking at me that I had tumors growing inside me or that walking 10 feet was dilapidating. I seemed to look younger while I was pregnant and not the 40 I was fast approaching. I heard people making comments because I would ride the scooter around the grocery store but I wasn't going to chase their ignorant asses down to explain my condition, **** them. Not to mention being injured twice while working construction and I kept working after my injury like nothing happen, we'e talking broken bones, so I know how to push the envelope.

Yes, she was on a soap box, but she didn't go on about being a mother of 3 and her crazy ass schedule being a newscaster. She seemed to want to turn this into a platform on bullying and less about her, a bit of a long stretch.
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Thyroid issues aside. Didn't the woman say she's been struggling with her weight since having a child? Birthing a child does cause a lot of women to gain weight...even formerly skinny women. Also the burden of raising that child can easily cut into things like working out and eating healthy. This can be especially more difficult if the woman has a full time job.
Not all disabled people can train to be Paralympic athletes. I'm sure you're a lot younger than her.

I was suppose to be on bed rest while pregnant and for the most part I ignored my Doctors orders, at times I regretted. No one could tell just by looking at me that I had tumors growing inside me or that walking 10 feet was dilapidating. I seemed to look younger while I was pregnant and not the 40 I was fast approaching. I heard people making comments because I would ride the scooter around the grocery store but I wasn't going to chase their ignorant asses down to explain my condition, **** them. Not to mention being injured twice while working construction and I kept working after my injury like nothing happen, we'e talking broken bones, so I know how to push the envelope.

Yes, she was on a soap box, but she didn't go on about being a mother of 3 and her crazy ass schedule being a newscaster. She seemed to want to turn this into a platform on bullying and less about her, a bit of a long stretch.

So she's not only fat, but disabled because of her fat ... you said disabled not I.

Wait, were you referring to your unborn child as a tumor or is this a separate issue and you are not separating ideas?

Yup, and just like you didn't have to justify anything to anyone, she didn't have to turn a private email into a public thing for attention.

I don't call her a newscaster either, a newscaster would be able to separate news from personal issues from work. Peter Jennings worked up on till days before his death, the whole time with dignity and class. No one knew.

She's the bully in the situation while trying to spin it that she's being bullied, there are no two ways about it. Especially since she used her platform to incite other like minded chubs to go after this guy.
So she's not only fat, but disabled because of her fat ... you said disabled not I.

Wait, were you referring to your unborn child as a tumor or is this a separate issue and you are not separating ideas?

Yup, and just like you didn't have to justify anything to anyone, she didn't have to turn a private email into a public thing for attention.

I don't call her a newscaster either, a newscaster would be able to separate news from personal issues from work. Peter Jennings worked up on till days before his death, the whole time with dignity and class. No one knew.

She's the bully in the situation while trying to spin it that she's being bullied, there are no two ways about it. Especially since she used her platform to incite other like minded chubs to go after this guy.

I brought up the Paralympics 'cause of your stance on injuries not holding people back, where the Paralympics make some disabled people feel inferior to their peers that are able to participate. We can't all be rock stars.

I have several fibroids that grew out of control while I was pregnant, so on top of providing nourishment to my child I was supplying a good dose of blood to the tumors which was a large part of why I couldn't walk for long. It was a lot of fun.

Everyone has a different threshold for pain and what they can accomplish during trying times.

I may seem a little disjointed due to my one year old bouncing around me. It's hard to focus.
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I brought up the Paralympics 'cause of your stance on injuries not holding people back, where the Paralympics make some disabled people feel inferior to their peers that are able to participate. We can't all be rock stars.

I have several fibroids that grew out of control while I was pregnant, so on top of providing nourishment to my child I was supplying a good dose of blood to the tumors which was a large part of why I couldn't walk for long. It was a lot of fun.

Everyone has a different threshold for pain and what they can accomplish during trying times.

I may seem a little disjointed due to my one year old bouncing around me. It's hard to focus.

Everyone's situation and physical abilities are different, as you said.

That being said, I have NEVER met anyone that either couldnt 1) make better food choices or 2) start SOME form of exercise program or 3) both 1 and 2.
They are ripping that guy a new one.

I agree he's a prick, but she was on her soap box for far too long. She should have kept it short and sweet, and maybe not even have given the letter any screen time.

Given his reaction to what she said, I doubt any of those people can say anything that really bothers him. Though, I think they're the ones acting like pricks since they went ahead and made it known who he is and what he looks like. It's not like he went on the internet and said what was on his mind for all to see. Simply kept it private.
That being said, I have NEVER met anyone that either couldnt 1) make better food choices or 2) start SOME form of exercise program or 3) both 1 and 2.

I have a friend who is very health conscious, but she recently had her first child. During the pregnancy, she stayed quite active, but after having the baby she gained a lot of weight. Before she went back to work full time, she was constantly tired from being up at all hours of the night and not being able to get proper rest. Once she went back to work, she didn't have time to spend at the gym. She also wasn't able to eat as healthy as she used to because she didn't have time to cook like she used to. Add this with the fact that babies are very expensive, which made her budget very tight; so, costly solutions like Nutrisystem..etc were out of the question.
I have a friend who is very health conscious, but she recently had her first child. During the pregnancy, she stayed quite active, but after having the baby she gained a lot of weight. Before she went back to work full time, she was constantly tired from being up at all hours of the night and not being able to get proper rest. Once she went back to work, she didn't have time to spend at the gym. She also wasn't able to eat as healthy as she used to because she didn't have time to cook like she used to. Add this with the fact that babies are very expensive, which made her budget very tight; so, costly solutions like Nutrisystem..etc were out of the question.

As someone who is up 2-3 times a night, several nights a week with a relatively new baby, I understand the difficulty that this adds to anyone's situation. I tracked last Friday, Saturday and Sunday and got a total of 10 hours for those 3 nights.

You mentioned that she had these issues BEFORE she went back to work. I would guess that she had more hours to adjust and work with than I have and had when my son was first born. (I was off work for 1 week). Now, to be clear, my wife and I split the duties as she is also back to work full time. For example, last night was my night and I dealt with him the whole time. I was up twice between 12am and 6am, and that was about 1 time less than usual.

As I have said many times in this thread and others, everyone's situation is different. And as I have said in THIS thread, I have yet to meet anyone who could not either improve their fitness through exercise or improve their diet or both.

Being woken up several times a night sucks and can screw with your entire day. Sometimes, if I get the baby back to sleep and its about 5am, I will go ahead and knock out my workout that I had planned to do later. Something brief and intense that can be done in 30 minutes or less. I always feel more energized the rest of the morning if I do this. Adapt and improvise.

I mentioned in the fitness thread that a few weeks ago I purchased a Nutribullet to help get my veggies and fruit in easier. This relatively small purchase ($80) has made life a lot easier and allowed me to eat healthier without any extra effort (actually LESS effort since it doesnt require cooking and is ready in 1 minute).

I take a fistful of spinach, a couple of pieces of broccoli or kale and then some berries, maybe a banana and some protein powder and blend it with water and I have 1 nutritious, complete meal, made in literally less than 1 minute. This is also a big cost savings as about $20-25 in fruits and veggies lasts me a full week. So, thats about 7 meals for $25, about $3.50 each.

Again, there are obstacles, but these things can be accomplished, no matter the persons' circumstances. Something like this could be done by your friend for a healthy, FAST, meal.
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You mentioned that she had these issues BEFORE she went back to work. I would guess that she had more hours to adjust and work with than I have and had when my son was first born. (I was off work for 1 week). Now, to be clear, my wife and I split the duties as she is also back to work full time. For example, last night was my night and I dealt with him the whole time. I was up twice between 12am and 6am, and that was about 1 time less than usual.

She started her weight gain after the baby was born because she could not work out due to just giving birth for quite a while. She also couldn't eat as healthy as she used too. Her situation is a bit different than yours. She's not a single mother, but she takes the primary parental responsibilites from Monday through Friday. Her husband does his part on the weekend.

Again, there are obstacles, but these things can be accomplished, no matter the persons' circumstances. Something like this could be done by your friend for a healthy, FAST, meal.

I will mention to her some of your suggestions. Yet, I just wanted to point out that some obstacles to losing weight and living healthy are not as easily overcome for everyone. It's not really fair to say that because I can do it anyone can. As you mentioned, everyone's situation is different.
So many excuses. Not having the time to exercise or eat healthy is bogus tripe.
I suppose just giving birth and not being able to work out is bogus tripe
Im not trying to sound mean by saying this,,, but if your that busy all the time with a newborn... wouldnt your calorie intake be less in finding time to eat + by burning calories being more physcially active in tending to the child ?

Just seems like thats a workout in itself
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lol...that was actually my thought too, but I think in her situation her metabolism dropped because she went from an active lifestyle even when she was pregnant to not doing much at all after the baby was born. For the first month, she could barely get out of bed because she was is so much pain from the C-section. She was also physically exhausted from the labor. She was in labor for a LONG


She was actually required to eat more calories since she was breastfeeding.
She can milk this for all it's worth , the e-mailer still seems like a jerk to me. She should lose some weight but it's not that guys place to tell her. It wasn't with the best of intentions either.
I hate how curvy women are shunned by Hollywood and media.

Some people have a slower metabolism or they just enjoy food that doesn't taste like cardboard or grass. Who cares? Why should they be punished and disgraced, hidden from the public?

Not everybody wants to trade the power to satisfy their hunger and taste buds so they can live long enough to wear a diaper.
She started her weight gain after the baby was born because she could not work out due to just giving birth for quite a while. She also couldn't eat as healthy as she used too. Her situation is a bit different than yours. She's not a single mother, but she takes the primary parental responsibilites from Monday through Friday. Her husband does his part on the weekend.

I will mention to her some of your suggestions. Yet, I just wanted to point out that some obstacles to losing weight and living healthy are not as easily overcome for everyone. It's not really fair to say that because I can do it anyone can. As you mentioned, everyone's situation is different.

Obviously I dont know what she ate like before the pregnancy and all, but WHY couldnt she eat healthy after having the baby?

I should point out that I have a 4 year old daughter too, so there seems to ALWAYS be a child waking us up at night. I alternate with my wife during the nights (she may get the first one and I get the second one) and sometimes one of us will take over for an entire night (like I did last night).

Hey, my son is 5 months old now and still waking us up like clockwork, so Ive had PLENTY of nights with just a couple of hours of sleep.

lol...that was actually my thought too, but I think in her situation her metabolism dropped because she went from an active lifestyle even when she was pregnant to not doing much at all after the baby was born. For the first month, she could barely get out of bed because she was is so much pain from the C-section. She was also physically exhausted from the labor. She was in labor for a LONG


She was actually required to eat more calories since she was breastfeeding.

Was she in labor a long time and then had to have a c-section? That is what happened to my wife the first time.
The second time my wife had an emergency c-section.

Somehow, (the 1st pregnancy) despite 13 hours of labor and a c-section, my wife was ready to go home the next day, she didnt even take any of the meds. She was tough.
I don't even understand how that's bullying, he called her obese and she's obese.
I don't even understand how that's bullying, he called her obese and she's obese.

If you have acne and I point it out in a condescending manner and suggest you shouldn't be seen by children in your current state (bad hygiene?), that can't qualify as bullying?
Also I don't think she's being an attention ****e. What is an acceptable body type for television is a discussion that needs to happen.

She probably is constantly hassled about her body by co-workers, employers and even family/friends.

I bet if she smoked cigarettes and starved herself to be skinny there would be alot less hassle despite the health concerns.
If you have acne and I point it out in a condescending manner and suggest you shouldn't be seen by children in your current state (bad hygiene?), that can't qualify as bullying?

What he said was her physical condition had not improved for many years

which she admitted was true, she said she got fat when she popped out her first kid and has been since (paraphrasing)

And she shouldn't consider herself a good rolemodel to the children
which she doesn't even mention in her diatribe.

Nothing that the guy said was wrong besides maybe that one rolemodel line.
What he said was her physical condition had not improved for many years

which she admitted was true, she said she got fat when she popped out her first kid and has been since (paraphrasing)

And she shouldn't consider herself a good rolemodel to the children
which she doesn't even mention in her diatribe.

Nothing that the guy said was wrong besides maybe that one rolemodel line.

I'm sorry but unless he's her doctor or a close family member, her health is none of his business.


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