Nintendo to start charging for Online play.

Capt Throbberson

Aug 19, 2003
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Today, during a GDC presentation, Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama announced a new expansion to Nintendo's Wi-Fi services called Wii Pay & Play. Aoyama explained that Nintendo will begin "collecting fees for some services [that] will allow us to adapt flexibly." In other words, by subsidizing additional, unnamed service and feature costs to consumers, Nintendo feels they can explore new concepts and channels.

He added that it was a Nintendo initiative to avoid misleading consumers into thinking they can buy games that can be played entirely free when they cannot (whether or not this implies an initiative to begin charging for multiplayer content was unclear). To aid in a clear cost presentation, the blue WFC logo will be joined with a similar red logo featuring the line "Pay & Play."

While we were offered no additional details, we understand that the red stands for danger.
Oh come the **** on this service is not worth paying for. The Wii has absolutely nothing going for it when it comes to online
Nintendo is strange sometimes. One of the big draws to Smash Bros. online was that it would be free.
It will be, So will Mario Kart.

This will only apply to games that different developers decide to charge for their online stuff. Stuff like MMO's.
If they charge us, they better make it worth paying for. Their online service is so basic. They better drop this "friend code" **** and give us accounts.
Man... This is bull$hit of the HIGHEST caliber.
wth. this is ******ed :cmad:
It's an INSULT is what it IS.

Seriously, after all the crap I've had to put up with Nintendo (The half-assed "Zelda" game that came with the Wii Zapper. The ridiculous delays with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The crappy Sonic games. The dissapointment of the recent Fire Emblem. The severe lack of games for the Wii) and now THIS!!!!!1111!!!!!ONE!!!
thats exactly how i see this. i figured this was one thing they could of not made a problem of.
thats exactly how i see this. i figured this was one thing they could of not made a problem of.
And LOOK what happened. Sometimes it seems like Nintendo doesn't WANT people to play the Wii.
they are just making some poor business choices.

so is this news guaranteed ?
Um...did everyone miss the part of the press release about them also allowing downloadable content to be sold through their WiiWare store?

That could be the majority of the pay and play feature, plus it may be on a game by game basis. I doubt Nintendo will charge often for their games, but they may leave it up to other companies to charge if they want to...such as Monster Hunter 3.
That's bull****, the online service doesn't even have voice chat, demos, or downloadable content.
That's bull****, the online service doesn't even have voice chat, demos, or downloadable content.

Exactly. It's the most basic service you could provide. Even thinking about charging for it is ridiculous.
they did have the metroid demo...but yeah, there's nothing on there online service at this point worth paying for...but they did say they would do this to add flexibility, so i'm hoping that means they have some content worth money that you will get for it.
they are just making some poor business choices.

so is this news guaranteed ?

Allowing developers to get any game on Wii Ware is pretty smart.

Charging gamers that want a better online service makes sense.

The basic service will be free but any enhanced service will cost some money so it can catch up to Sony and Microsoft in terms of quality. Giving players an option makes sense instead of what's going on with the 360. If you don't want the added features then you don't have to pay but you can still play online.

Didn't know everyone was so frugal. Why doesn't everyone wait until the games and online details are released before they start whining.
Oh Nintendo please I'm only paying to download games and Smash doesnt even have a leaderboard!
Leaderboards take the fun out of everything :down
Im 50-50 when it comes to that. i mean its cool to see whos the best but
at the same time it sucks idk

could of been made an option or something
looks like I'm once again stuck o playing single player on SSBB :csad:
oh... well, if it doesn't affect Brawl, then I guess I'm OK :D

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