No Longer a Conspiracy, DHS buys 1.6B rounds of ammo?! WHY?!


The Triumvirate
Jul 9, 2005
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I always thought this was a conspiracy...but Freaking FORBES just ran a story on it. And confirmed it.

As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.

Suddenly I am not in a good mood...what does this mean?
Would this have to potentially be because of the North Korean situation? Will they be providing South Korea with ammo over the next few months?
Would this have to potentially be because of the North Korean situation? Will they be providing South Korea with ammo over the next few months?

Who knows...I was told by a friend this is routine stuff. And it's not a all at once purchase. But hollow point...can't use that in a war.
Who knows...I was told by a friend this is routine stuff. And it's not a all at once purchase. But hollow point...can't use that in a war.
Can't use them in war but perfectly legal for LEO in the US. I have an eye on this, but I'm also not going to go all tin-foil hat either. With how many agencies and personnel they have to provide ammo/supplies for, it's really not all that surprising they buy in such numbers.
Rand Paul posted the Forbes article onto his Facebook page and only said ''Why?''.
Who knows...I was told by a friend this is routine stuff. And it's not a all at once purchase. But hollow point...can't use that in a war.

Who says you can't? We break the "rules" all the time. We're the US. We can do whatever we want. Even to our own people.
Sure, you can trust the US government. Just ask any Indian. :word:
OoooOOoooh this is sure to bring out the crazies across the net!



We are apparently stocking up in the event we need to assist South Korea.
Ok, so now them coffins by the hundred thousands at the FEMA camps are making some sense.
Would this have to potentially be because of the North Korean situation? Will they be providing South Korea with ammo over the next few months?

Not homeland security, that's not their department. Besides, the Koreans have their own storage lockers full of ammo for that one. The US military has a stockpile just for that war (they have been anticipating it for 60 years...).

Obviously they're getting ready for the zombie apocalypse.
I always thought this was a conspiracy...but Freaking FORBES just ran a story on it. And confirmed it.

Suddenly I am not in a good mood...what does this mean?

I know of single civillians who go through 20,000+ rounds a year. This isn't a large purchase when you consider that is is for the whole of DHS. How many rounds do you think the FBI goes through doing their practice shooting and ballistics tests every year? A lot. When I go out and pactice shoot Ill use hundreds in less than an hour. Ammo is expended quickly. It is cheaper in bulk and it is better to have and not need than need and not have. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Yep, we even had a foretelling in a not too recent movie. Men getting eaten by other men in Miami, no more Hostess Twinkies........
Yep, we even had a foretelling in a not too recent movie. Men getting eaten by other men in Miami, no more Hostess Twinkies........
Actually, Hostess sold off their snack cakes division, the part that produces Twinkies, today. The new owners said Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and the other Hostess-branded treats will be back on shelves this summer.
Actually, Hostess sold off their snack cakes division, the part that produces Twinkies, today. The new owners said Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and the other Hostess-branded treats will be back on shelves this summer.

That's funny, I saw Little Debbie cartons touting that they have the twinkies, but they are calling it something else. Can't remember what though.
Civil War is a different matter, not governed by the Geneva Convention!

Oh for God's sake there is no government smackdown police state coming. Its counter intuitive to everything our government is concerned about chiefly their wallets.

And if our government was wanting to attack the people they wouldnt invest in damn hollowpoints. They aren't going to wage war with handguns. They would use 5.56 NATO rounds which they already have in mass quantities for the military's M4s. This purchase means nothing. Homeland is made up of multiple branches employing thousands of people all of whom have service weapons and use hollowpoints. They all need ammo to practice with and carry. And our government every year does ballistics test on the latest ammo and publishes its reports. This purchase lines up with standard protocol.
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Oh for God's sake there is no government smackdown police state coming. Its counter intuitive to everything our government is concerned about chiefly their wallets.

And if our government was wanting to attack the people they wouldnt invest in damn hollowpoints. They aren't going to wage war with handguns. They would use 5.56 NATO rounds which they already have in mass quantities for the military's M4s. This purchase means nothing. Homeland is made up of multiple branches employing thousands of people all of whom have service weapons and use hollowpoints. They all need ammo to practice with and carry. And our government every year does ballistics test on the latest ammo and publishes its reports. This purchase lines up with standard protocol.

Ok, so if it's nothing to worry about, then it amounts to a waste of money and bullets. If the Govt wants to keep buying a insane amount of about we cut foreign aid somewhere. Oh wait, :o this country has a disease. It's the inability to cut spending. hahahahaha -_-.

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