any high profile books with low sales do get cancelled. spider-man cant hit the 40,000 mark without being relaunched. anyway spider-girl is pretty high profile. i doubt you could find a comic fan that hasnt heard o her by now. i tried to read it, got a nice little collection of 20books and just got bored. it just wasnt my thing - i mean, i liked the buzz and the whole JJJ thing, so looks like im spider-MAN through and through, not girl. anyway the writing was good, but its not as good as you fans make it out to be. in all my time reading online reviews i've never seen one reviewer who thinks as highly of the book as some of you do -- im not having a go, just saying that its all opinion and if the book isn't selling its always gona get cancelled. then again, rumours are its on hiatus and will be back. plus there will always be miniseries that hark back to MC2 and now that she's free, who's betting ona spider-man/ spider-girl inter-timeline crossover? i'd pay to see that. PLUS itd probably make pete hunt down kaine in his own timeline to see whether he has May (i reckon kaines bringing her up in the 616 timeline).