Odd or amusing things to wonder while watching Thor...

lol, yes an element called Thorium exists. The image reminds me of Spongebob :dry:.

"'Cross the Rainbow Bridge of. . . .Bikini Bottom?" :oldrazz:

Idk if the commercial for VW is known outside of Germany, the little Darth Vader was very popular here: <deleted>

Later they changed it for Thor: <deleted>


Yes, I had seen and enjoyed the Darth Vader commercial. The Thor one is cute too. I like that the dog is named Loki. Glad to see that Thor is more powerful than Darth Vader--haha
"'Cross the Rainbow Bridge of. . . .Bikini Bottom?" :oldrazz:

*rofl* I hope such a crossover never comes to life :cwink:

Yes, I had seen and enjoyed the Darth Vader commercial. The Thor one is cute too. I like that the dog is named Loki. Glad to see that Thor is more powerful than Darth Vader--haha

"'Cross the Rainbow Bridge of. . . .Bikini Bottom?" :oldrazz:

PSST! Top Secret spoiler alert for Thor 2!

lol you TEASE....goin' back to my turkey coma
Two more Odd or Amusing Things regarding Thor1:

1. So when Thor gets his powers back, a lightning bolt comes down and his warrior garb reassembles on him. In The Avengers, he changes from the sleeveless costume to the with-sleeves one by calling down a lightning bolt. So I suppose this means that the street clothes he died in are still in that lightning bolt somewhere.

2. A few days after I first saw Thor1, I realized that its core plot was the same as the one for _Cars_: Lightning-themed hero is stranded in remote southwestern town where he must learn humility and to work for a cause greater than himself. Meets love interest in said town.
Two more Odd or Amusing Things regarding Thor1:

1. So when Thor gets his powers back, a lightning bolt comes down and his warrior garb reassembles on him. In The Avengers, he changes from the sleeveless costume to the with-sleeves one by calling down a lightning bolt. So I suppose this means that the street clothes he died in are still in that lightning bolt somewhere.

HA! That's better than Superman leaving his clothes in phone booths all around Metropolis.

2. A few days after I first saw Thor1, I realized that its core plot was the same as the one for _Cars_: Lightning-themed hero is stranded in remote southwestern town where he must learn humility and to work for a cause greater than himself. Meets love interest in said town.

Yes it's the old fish out of water falls in love story. LOL
Seeing Vartha's picture over in the main spoilers thread (Thor The Dark World forum) sent me on a Google search. . . .

Movie Thor tree ornament: http://www.amazon.com/Hallmark-Keep.../ref=sr_1_106?ie=UTF8&qid=1347520093&sr=8-106

Avengers ornaments (including Thor) on glass spheres: http://www.redesignrevolution.com/e...merica-thor-hulk-iron-man-christmas-ornament/

Yarn ornaments--too adorable, except why is Thor a brunette? http://www.etsy.com/listing/108908411/the-avenger-4-voodoo-string-doll

A whole bunch of mythic Thor ornaments: http://www.zazzle.co.uk/thor+ornaments

Kirby Thor: http://www.etsy.com/listing/111966492/marvel-comics-avengers-thor-christmas

I was going to call this "Decapitated Thor", but it's actually the top from a Thor Pez, which is even better! http://www.etsy.com/listing/88363820/marvel-comics-avengers-thor-pez-head

Coipel Thor: http://www.amazon.com/Thor-2011-Hal...&qid=1356049976&sr=8-2&keywords=thor+ornament

Simonson Thor? http://thmb.inkfrog.com/thumbn/toystodd/avengers_ornament_set7.JPG=450 from http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300826259012

One after my own heart. The full text of Thor's lines in this panel reads, "Verily it is beyond belief! To think another would smite Thor in defense of Jane Foster!!" http://www.etsy.com/listing/85228341/thor-christmas-ornament-recycled-vintage

Ho, ho, ho!
Thor is also on an Avengers ornament from Hallmark which had Captain America's Avengers' origin story from back in the day and the one for Super Hero Squad.

I LOVE the Super Hero Squad Show...Thor even mentions Shawarma over two years before his movie self is introduced to it.
Thor is also on an Avengers ornament from Hallmark which had Captain America's Avengers' origin story from back in the day and the one for Super Hero Squad.

I LOVE the Super Hero Squad Show...Thor even mentions Shawarma over two years before his movie self is introduced to it.

Interesting. I saw this episode here in Germany after the movie and thought, it were a joke by the translators. So the movie was sometimes inspired by Super Hero Squad Show? :cwink:
Thor is also on an Avengers ornament from Hallmark which had Captain America's Avengers' origin story from back in the day and the one for Super Hero Squad.

I LOVE the Super Hero Squad Show...Thor even mentions Shawarma over two years before his movie self is introduced to it.

In my surfing, I had seen there was a "Super Hero Squad" Thor ornament. But I didn't know what the Super Hero Squad was, so I didn't include it.

Having just read the Wikipedia entry, it sounds pretty funny! I should add it to the "Thor Parodies" thread. For the series (based on figures!) the guy who does Thor's voice also does Galacticus' Mom. That Galactus' Mom is a character on the show is promising. George Takei voices Galactus, which I think would be pretty fun too. And Michael Dorn and Mark Hamill do some voice work for it, too. (Hamill is the Red Skull)

And of course, Stan Lee is there too.

Ha! And there's a baby Iron Man.

Thanks for the pointer!
The movie Thor ornament I haven't seen. the pez dispenser I made into a flash drive lol

Seeing Vartha's picture over in the main spoilers thread (Thor The Dark World forum) sent me on a Google search. . . .

Movie Thor tree ornament: http://www.amazon.com/Hallmark-Keep.../ref=sr_1_106?ie=UTF8&qid=1347520093&sr=8-106

Avengers ornaments (including Thor) on glass spheres: http://www.redesignrevolution.com/e...merica-thor-hulk-iron-man-christmas-ornament/

Yarn ornaments--too adorable, except why is Thor a brunette? http://www.etsy.com/listing/108908411/the-avenger-4-voodoo-string-doll

A whole bunch of mythic Thor ornaments: http://www.zazzle.co.uk/thor+ornaments

Kirby Thor: http://www.etsy.com/listing/111966492/marvel-comics-avengers-thor-christmas

I was going to call this "Decapitated Thor", but it's actually the top from a Thor Pez, which is even better! http://www.etsy.com/listing/88363820/marvel-comics-avengers-thor-pez-head

Coipel Thor: http://www.amazon.com/Thor-2011-Hal...&qid=1356049976&sr=8-2&keywords=thor+ornament

Simonson Thor? http://thmb.inkfrog.com/thumbn/toystodd/avengers_ornament_set7.JPG=450 from http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300826259012

One after my own heart. The full text of Thor's lines in this panel reads, "Verily it is beyond belief! To think another would smite Thor in defense of Jane Foster!!" http://www.etsy.com/listing/85228341/thor-christmas-ornament-recycled-vintage

Ho, ho, ho!
More odd or amusing things to wonder about when watching _Thor_: tropes!

Since Norse Mythology is itself a trope, this movie was bound to have a fair number of them. But my word, there are even more than I would have guessed!

My favorite: World of Ham

I dont know if we'll see him shirtless in this, Tom seems sort of skinny right now. (I actually think he looks great, but in comparison to Hemsworth, I wouldnt blame him if he didnt want to go shirtless)

You have obviously not seen the sauna scene in The Hollow Crown!! No, Tom's body is not Hemsworth level definition, but it is still hot looking. He's more or less normal guy size hotness.

*The guy on Tom's left isn't that bad looking too.*
Oh I have seen that. ;) If ever there was a perfect time for a wardrobe malfunction. :twisted:

He was a bit skinnier than that going into Thor 2 filming I think though (I think maybe for the Vampire film he was working on). And of course he's not Hemsworth, but then I'm very much ok with that. :D I like "normal guy" hotness quite fine. :D
Well hey...whatever brings people to a love of Shakespeare, it's all good.
Oh he's definitely brought people to a love of Shakespeare. LOL Mainly women...

Thor is also on an Avengers ornament from Hallmark which had Captain America's Avengers' origin story from back in the day and the one for Super Hero Squad.

I LOVE the Super Hero Squad Show...Thor even mentions Shawarma over two years before his movie self is introduced to it.

Maybe that is where they got the Shawarma scene from as a shout out to that show.
I find it odd that the Asgardians have a weapon with which they could destroy Jotunheim with ease.

Of course, under Odin's rule, they never would do such a thing. They don't commit genocide.

But let's look at it from a frost giant point of view: Laufey tells Odin that they are at war now. Would you declare war on someone who has a superior weapon that can destroy you without any effort?

Would Iran declare war on the US and think "Of course the Americans have atomic weapons... but we are sure they won't use them"?

Laufey's war on Asgard is pointless. He cannot win. If the Asgardians felt that they were losing the war, they could always say "Stop it, Laufey, or we'll consider using the Bifrost against your world."
I find it odd that the Asgardians have a weapon with which they could destroy Jotunheim with ease.

Of course, under Odin's rule, they never would do such a thing. They don't commit genocide.

But let's look at it from a frost giant point of view: Laufey tells Odin that they are at war now. Would you declare war on someone who has a superior weapon that can destroy you without any effort?

Would Iran declare war on the US and think "Of course the Americans have atomic weapons... but we are sure they won't use them"?

Laufey's war on Asgard is pointless. He cannot win. If the Asgardians felt that they were losing the war, they could always say "Stop it, Laufey, or we'll consider using the Bifrost against your world."

It could be that people did not realize that technology originally intended for transportation could also be used so destructively. So when Laufey declares a state of war, he would not realize the peril.

Regarding a smaller country declaring a pointless war on the US due to having a relative arms imbalance, I refer you to the work of satire, _The Mouse that Roared_ (the book is much better than the movie).
It could be that people did not realize that technology originally intended for transportation could also be used so destructively. So when Laufey declares a state of war, he would not realize the peril.
(the book is much better than the movie).

Would be a little bit like attacking someone who uses nuclear power, not realizing that he could also use it for nuclear weapons... :cwink:

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