World Off the wall subject...


Dec 19, 2001
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Is there anyway possible that fans can speak up in order to get the original Donner film shown in theaters on the 29th right before the midnight screenings of Returns nationwide? It would be nice to see Christopher Reeve on the big screen again and plus it would be a jump start for those that haven't seen the original '78 film. If they just take out any references to dates in the film it would work just fine, I suppose. Anybody else here who would want this to happen?
HUMAN said:
Is there anyway possible that fans can speak up in order to get the original Donner film shown in theaters on the 29th right before the midnight screenings of Returns nationwide? It would be nice to see Christopher Reeve on the big screen again and plus it would be a jump start for those that haven't seen the original '78 film. If they just take out any references to dates in the film it would work just fine, I suppose. Anybody else here who would want this to happen?

It would also piss off the SR staff for diverting the attention to the old guard.

Reeve will NEVER be forgotten or his films, hence why this is a continuation of sorts.

However, if you feel likethat put a DVD in, the night before you see SR.
I did the same for Star Wars, but it would be great to see the original on the big screen since I'm too young to have seen it when it first came out.
HUMAN said:
I did the same for Star Wars, but it would be great to see the original on the big screen since I'm too young to have seen it when it first came out.

No, Star Wars SE cam e out 2/3 years before Ep1 - Not the month before.

You are right though, these beauties need a big screen re-release..................but not now.
Captain Villa said:
It would also piss off the SR staff for diverting the attention to the old guard.

Reeve will NEVER be forgotten or his films, hence why this is a continuation of sorts.

However, if you feel likethat put a DVD in, the night before you see SR.
Thats what i'm doing...
i'm gonna have a few friends over on the 29th and we're gonna watch S:TM, SII and then go to the midnight premiere of SR. :up:

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