Official Green Lantern News & Discussion Thread - Part 10

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I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they have never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed. Some people here need to finally accept that no comic book movie will ever be able to totally escape the dull factor. They complain about Green Lantern being bland and give other comic book movies a free pass, this is not fair.

Cough cough i.e. Spiderman and Spiderman 2.

*waits for people to quickly defend Spiderman and Spiderman 2
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I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they ever never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed.

For me, "dull" signifies a boring, emotionless or out of place scene that takes me out of the movie watching experience. Here are a few from Green Lantern:

- Hal's flashback in the jet. Lacked any gravitas for such an important milestone in his life that shapes who he (is supposed to be) today.

- Hal and his brothers/nephew. Felt forced, like the filmmakers just "had" to put that in there ("See! He IS a good guy. Kinda")

- Hal getting fired/not fired from Ferris. All these people were going to loos their jobs but they wouldn't fire the one guy responsible.

- Hal watching Abin Sur die. "No, no, no, no, noooo. Don't do that" Nuff said

- Hal and Carol dancing. Forced exposition that, if you blink, you wouldn't know that A) Hal and Carol had a one night stand or B) Hal joined the Air Force right after knocking boots with her.

That's what comes to mind from the first Act. I'll include Acts 2 and 3 if you really want me to (not being sarcastic, I'm just a bit busy lol)
I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they have never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed. Some people here need to finally accept that no comic book movie will ever be able to totally escape the dull factor. They complain about Green Lantern being bland and give other comic book movies a free pass, this is not fair.

Cough cough i.e. Spiderman and Spiderman 2.

*waits for people to quickly defend Spiderman and Spiderman 2
Other comic films being dull or not doesn't negate the dullness of Green Lantern.
I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they have never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed. Some people here need to finally accept that no comic book movie will ever be able to totally escape the dull factor.

It seems that it's not so much about detail-for-detail comparison as it is about overall execution and delivery....which is where many seem to feel GL really missed the boat. You could have the same formulas, plot-points and twists, devices, etc as a bunch of other movies....but how fresh or redundant they are depends on how the whole thing is composed.

Heck, even Iron Man had father issues, a care-free character who finds purpose and responsibility, humor, romance, yadda-yadda. But then...look at Iron Man the movie and how people responded to opposed to GL. It's not so much what you paint, or what paint you use....but how well you paint, y'know?
I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they have never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed. Some people here need to finally accept that no comic book movie will ever be able to totally escape the dull factor. They complain about Green Lantern being bland and give other comic book movies a free pass, this is not fair.

Cough cough i.e. Spiderman and Spiderman 2.

*waits for people to quickly defend Spiderman and Spiderman 2

Sorry, didn't notice till now that you added this part into your post. Quick question: Why do you feel the need to needlessly flame other films during a conversation about Green Lantern and it's shortcomings? Honestly it just looks like you can't prove your point so you want to cause a fight about anything else.
Dear god, NO!

My same thoughts on a JL movie that has no base with the characters. In a team up movie (JL or Avengers) we want to see them in an all out brawl but when you don't build them up nobody is gonna really care.
sorry, didn't notice till now that you added this part into your post. Quick question: Why do you feel the need to needlessly flame other films during a conversation about green lantern and it's shortcomings? Honestly it just looks like you can't prove your point so you want to cause a fight about anything else.

... +1
whats with this f.... 150 number? every movie can not f... be 150 all the time.
- Hal and his brothers/nephew. Felt forced, like the filmmakers just "had" to put that in there ("See! He IS a good guy. Kinda")

I have a question regarding this, and since you seem to have inside info I thought you would be the right guy to ask.

I remember back in the teaser trailer it showed a glimpse of Hal in front of a little boy throwing his ring into the air as if he was preparing to stop something coming at the boy. I wonder if this was Hal's nephew? Because they seem similar enough but I just can't be sure.

If it is then I guess they cut out a whole chunk of the movie showing Hal being a hero on earth. This also solves the problem of having the family come back into play when you introduce them.
I'm actually going to have to agree that the Spider-Man's aren't good, I don't think they're dull but I don't like them as much as I use to. As for the dullness yeah GL is kinda dull. Look at Thor when we're introduced to Asgard we have this huge music playing and they're showing off the world and you're like holy crap that looks awesome. When we're introduced to Oa it's Geoffry Rush's voice and just a quick shot of it. He goes through this little training montage which is awesome best part of the movie and then what does he use to fight some crime, defend his sector or even keep training and help them take on Parallax? No he goes back to Earth and whines about how he isn't strong enough. Then he saves some people and I'm thinking alright now he is going to go out and use his power for good but what do I get more whining and staring aimlessly into the screen. It's just dull.
I have a question regarding this, and since you seem to have inside info I thought you would be the right guy to ask.

I remember back in the teaser trailer it showed a glimpse of Hal in front of a little boy throwing his ring into the air as if he was preparing to stop something coming at the boy. I wonder if this was Hal's nephew? Because they seem similar enough but I just can't be sure.

If it is then I guess they cut out a whole chunk of the movie showing Hal being a hero on earth. This also solves the problem of having the family come back into play when you introduce them.

I don't remember it being his nephew (which, I believe played a much larger part in the first draft script). It think it was just a random kid that he saved during that scene (like the fat woman) and they CG-ed him out of it. They disregarded so many scenes that were actually shot that I can't remember all of them, but I'll look through all the call sheets I have and get back to you.
I don't remember it being his nephew (which, I believe played a much larger part in the first draft script). It think it was just a random kid that he saved during that scene (like the fat woman) and they CG-ed him out of it. They disregarded so many scenes that were actually shot that I can't remember all of them, but I'll look through all the call sheets I have and get back to you.

Alright thats cool but here's a link to what I'm talking about. It could just be they decided to use the fat woman in place of just a random kid in the same scene in the movie. If not I'm just wondering how much did they actually cut out of this entire movie.
For me personally, I didn't feel like there were any significant dull parts to the movie when compared to most in the genre. Just about every other comic book related film has moments where it feels to be longer than it really is. There are flaws to Green Lantern to be sure, as with any other movie, but it was the most entertained I've been with a comic book movie yet. I'm not trying to discredit anyone's opinion either who felt that it had dull moments, just throwing in how I've felt each of the 3 times I've seen it.
How much they actually cut from this film might be the great unanswered question for years to come.
My same thoughts on a JL movie that has no base with the characters. In a team up movie (JL or Avengers) we want to see them in an all out brawl but when you don't build them up nobody is gonna really care.

Exactly why I don't want a JLA movie at all yet... for one thing, it's a huge disrespect for the actors in the solo character franchises. Cavill finally got Superman, but here they're just gonna cast some random *****e in the role? Slate the movie for 2014 or something. Let Superman be reintroduced, start a new Batman franchise if they really have to, get Wonder Woman and Flash going, and THEN do JLA.

In an interview I read the other day, Reynolds actually said he'd love to do a JLA movie someday.
For me personally, I didn't feel like there were any significant dull parts to the movie when compared to most in the genre. Just about every other comic book related film has moments where it feels to be longer than it really is. There are flaws to Green Lantern to be sure, as with any other movie, but it was the most entertained I've been with a comic book movie yet. I'm not trying to discredit anyone's opinion either who felt that it had dull moments, just throwing in how I've felt each of the 3 times I've seen it.

It's great that you were able to enjoy it as much; everyone else just wishes they could have felt the same way after watching it.
I love how people claim that the Green Lantern movie is dull yet they fail to provide examples. It's a weak way to criticize the movie. And even if it's dull, what comic book movie isn't dull-less? People here pretend as if they have never seen a comic book movie will dull parts in it before, even their beloved comic book movies have countless bland contents in them that can be pinpointed. Some people here need to finally accept that no comic book movie will ever be able to totally escape the dull factor. They complain about Green Lantern being bland and give other comic book movies a free pass, this is not fair.

Cough cough i.e. Spiderman and Spiderman 2.

*waits for people to quickly defend Spiderman and Spiderman 2

I don't see where any other movie has gotten a free pass for whatever weaknesses it possesses. It's just a matter of the number of problems that are in the film, or if the problems bother you a lot.
Exactly why I don't want a JLA movie at all yet... for one thing, it's a huge disrespect for the actors in the solo character franchises. Cavill finally got Superman, but here they're just gonna cast some random *****e in the role? Slate the movie for 2014 or something. Let Superman be reintroduced, start a new Batman franchise if they really have to, get Wonder Woman and Flash going, and THEN do JLA.

In an interview I read the other day, Reynolds actually said he'd love to do a JLA movie someday.


Casting call for 'random *****es'. :oldrazz::awesome:
Exactly why I don't want a JLA movie at all yet... for one thing, it's a huge disrespect for the actors in the solo character franchises. Cavill finally got Superman, but here they're just gonna cast some random *****e in the role? Slate the movie for 2014 or something. Let Superman be reintroduced, start a new Batman franchise if they really have to, get Wonder Woman and Flash going, and THEN do JLA.

In an interview I read the other day, Reynolds actually said he'd love to do a JLA movie someday.

Well after TDKR how are they gonna re-introduce Batman? Another solo movie to establish him outside of Nolanverse or just throw him into JL movie taking with us the gravitas of Nolan?

Snyder already even stated his MOS movie is not gonna be connected to a larger universe at least not be sharing the same universe as GL. Does that mean we have to re-introduce another Superman that's different from Snyder's one?

Snyder even said it would be cool to have multiple versions of the same character like Infinite Crisis. That's a horrible idea IMO, we're just gonna confuse the hell out of the GA. The different convoluted universes in comics just can't work in film.

With WB wanting to make a JL movie they have no idea how to make any of these characters connect at all.
Well after TDKR how are they gonna re-introduce Batman? Another solo movie to establish him outside of Nolanverse or just throw him into JL movie taking with us the gravitas of Nolan?

Snyder already even stated his MOS movie is not gonna be connected to a larger universe at least not be sharing the same universe as GL. Does that mean we have to re-introduce another Superman that's different from Snyder's one?

Snyder even said it would be cool to have multiple versions of the same character like Infinite Crisis. That's a horrible idea IMO, we're just gonna confuse the hell out of the GA. The different convoluted universes in comics just can't work in film.

With WB wanting to make a JL movie they have no idea how to make any of these characters connect at all.

The JLA movie would have no connections to the current film slate (including the rebooted Superman and Batman films). Plus it was never going to include RR as Green Lantern unless the first solo film was such a record breaker they would try to shoehorn him into everything. That is why I'm sticking to my guns that the JLA movie does not include Supes or Bats except for maybe a word-only mention of them.
It doesn't really matter. If they do Justice League, the Green Lantern will be John Stewart anyway.
The JLA movie would have no connections to the current film slate (including the rebooted Superman and Batman films). Plus it was never going to include RR as Green Lantern unless the first solo film was such a record breaker they would try to shoehorn him into everything. That is why I'm sticking to my guns that the JLA movie does not include Supes or Bats except for maybe a word-only mention of them.

If what you're saying is true than JLA movie sounds so uninteresting to me when Superman/Batman are only mentioned by name.

And if the rest of the heroes are played by completely random people (even if they got great actors to portray them) who have not been established in solo films it would be hard to care.

WB will be like we need to establish these characters first...
I can just see all of them sitting at a poker table inside watchtower playing cards and sharing their backstory to why they became a hero. Then an alarm sounds and they need to go off and fight Mongul.
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