Official Monk Thread

The Techno Bat

Mar 6, 2003
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I thought that there used to be an official Monk thread and I have looked around for it and cannot find it so I am starting a new one.

Who is excited that Monk has been signed for season's 5 and 6? I know I am, and each season has already been given 16 episodes, that is huge news. It is USA's highest rated show.

Did anybody catch Friday's episode? Monk was hilarious when he and Natalie where backstage looking for Julie at the fashion show, and Monk tells Natalie not to eat any of the food because he just saw four models throwing up backstage. That had me chuckling out loud for a good minute.
Monk is great. I'm glad to hear it has been extended for two more seasons. Nothing beats the obsessive compulsive detective. :up:

Fridays was good, but a bit predictable, it was really obvious that the forensic guy was in on it.
:up: It was a bit predictable, but as always enjoyable. Did you catch the Christmas special last month? There was a great scene when the station was doing christmas gift swaps, and Monk's gift was awesome, when he opened it and his reaction was brilliant and great, and the gift he got? A dustpan and mini broom
Great show. I was sad when it moved to USA early on, though. My family doesn't have cable and the only TV here in the dorm room is my roommates so he kind of gets first dibs and only watched ESPN and Adult Swim.
KingOfDreams said:
Great show. I was sad when it moved to USA early on, though. My family doesn't have cable and the only TV here in the dorm room is my roommates so he kind of gets first dibs and only watched ESPN and Adult Swim.

I had a roommate like that in college. I hate guys who will only watch ESPN. It is as if they feel their manhood is in question at all times and they must constantly have ESPN on to prove their manly-ness. Regardless of if it is playing the same episode of Sports Center for the 7th time that day.
Is this show worth a buy? Or should I rent it first?
It is the the funniest show on TV. Plus it has some of the best mysteries, one of the best ensemble casts and great dramatic moments as well.

It is definitely worth a buy. If you are to rent it though, go for Season will give you a glimpse of what the show is like in it's prime.
That girl on the beach who they were interrogating was hot! That's my contribution to the discussion about that episode. ;)
She Sure Was, If You Like That Whole Flat-chested Emaciated Look.
The Techno Bat said:
:up: It was a bit predictable, but as always enjoyable. Did you catch the Christmas special last month? There was a great scene when the station was doing christmas gift swaps, and Monk's gift was awesome, when he opened it and his reaction was brilliant and great, and the gift he got? A dustpan and mini broom

That was a good bit, but I didn't like the episode as a whole. Thought that one was kind of lame and it was pretty weak, IMO.
Unleashed said:
This Show Has Always Been On Usa

Are you sure? Because I could swear I saw it on one of the non-cable networks early on.
Yeah i made the orginal monk thread, guess the mods deleted it.
Now that we have had alot of time to adjust and get used to Natalie, does anybody miss Sharona?

I don't. She was good and all, but Natalie has grown on me and is really great. I think she and Monk have molded really well together.

Season 2 is definately a great jump in point for new viewers of the show, and I would rent them at your local video store, and plan a weekend. Sometimes USA runs Monk marathons, so check your local listings as well :)
The Techno Bat said:
Now that we have had alot of time to adjust and get used to Natalie, does anybody miss Sharona?

I don't. She was good and all, but Natalie has grown on me and is really great. I think she and Monk have molded really well together.

Season 2 is definately a great jump in point for new viewers of the show, and I would rent them at your local video store, and plan a weekend. Sometimes USA runs Monk marathons, so check your local listings as well :)

I do miss Sharona, mainly because she seemed to care for Monk as a friend and i've yet to see that from Natalie.
The Techno Bat said:
Now that we have had alot of time to adjust and get used to Natalie, does anybody miss Sharona?

I don't. She was good and all, but Natalie has grown on me and is really great. I think she and Monk have molded really well together.

Season 2 is definately a great jump in point for new viewers of the show, and I would rent them at your local video store, and plan a weekend. Sometimes USA runs Monk marathons, so check your local listings as well :)

I didn't see many of the episodes with Sharona, but I can't say I liked her too terribly much. I've seen most of the episodes since Natalie came aboard, and going back and watching Sharona episodes, I gotta say that I like Natlie a lot more.
KingOfDreams said:
Are you sure? Because I could swear I saw it on one of the non-cable networks early on.

Unleashed said:
This Show Has Always Been On Usa

Not only USA.

Wikipedia said:
The original two hour pilot was commissioned by ABC, originally as a vehicle for Michael Richards, who dropped out after reading the script for the pilot. Afterward, they weren't certain about the series and handed it off to USA Network. As part of the deal, ABC got the right to air repeats of the series after the episodes ran on USA. ABC used some episodes to fill in its summer schedule and got respectable ratings. Technically, the deal is still in place, but with USA Network being bought by NBC/Universal, the odds of episodes showing up on broadcast TV are very slim.
Unleashed said:
She Sure Was, If You Like That Whole Flat-chested Emaciated Look.

She wasn't flat chested. And besides, I don't like overly large breasts.
Unleashed said:
Yeah, Thats What I Just Said

You said it was always on USA. It was but KingOfDreams was correct that it was on a basic channel.

BTW, can you not capitalize the first letter of everyword? I'd say just capitalize all of them, but THWIP would be mad.
Um, I'll Type How I Feel And I Said That It Ran On Another Basic Channel
I miss Sharona.I would take her and Benjy over Natalie and Julie any day.
I really hope Monk's brother, I think his name was Alfred? Played by John Turturro makes a return, he was great. And perhaps we could even see Monk's Dad. I am glad they are not focussing on the whole Trudy thing anymore, I thought for a few episodes it was alright but for awhile they were bringing Trudy or her memory into just about every episode and it was dragging the show down a bit, but they have seemed to fix that.

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