Okay. Here's my idea for a live action Superman series. It would not be in continuity with Smallville in any way, although it would have some of the same actors because I'm too damn lazy to think of other ones.
The series starts with several reports of a mysterious flying man in a red cape saving lives. No one's sure what to make of it, but everyone's interested. Especially investigative reporter Lois Lane. Lois, along with her new partner, the quite and rather laid back Clark Kent, try to uncover the mystery of the flying man who the press has dubbed "Superman."
Cast (haven't thought of everyone, so please give any suggestions)/character descriptions:
Clark Kent/Superman: Tom Welling
Clark is quiet, reserved, and easy going. It's not that he's a bumbling dork. He simply doesn't draw atention to himself. You'd never notice him in a croud. The only thing he gets noticed for is his writing. As Superman, he is the swift yet silent saviour of Metropolis. He'd been doing the hero thing all over the world for a few years, but since he was going to settle down in one place, obviously the sightings of him would consolidate, and thus the secret identity was in order. His M.O. in the show is a bit different than in other versions. He goes in, saves the day, and leaves without stopping for interveiws or snapshots. As such, the glasses/baggy suit thing actually works as a way of keeping Clark Kent and Superman seperate from one another in people's minds. One of Clark's more noticible character traits in the show is his lack of using technology. He prefers old fasioned methods, such as type writers, over more high tech conveniances.
Lois Lane: Erica Durance
Cynical, stubborn, and one of the best damn reporters around. Lois refuses to let a story die, which often gets her into alot of trouble. Her relationship with Clark is comperable to that of Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd in Moonlighting. In other words, they are often arguing and throwing little insults at each other, and you know they're going to have sex eventually. Lois' relationship with Superman is slightly different here, as they almost never actually speak to each other, with Superman instead leaving her a series of notes which Lois can quote in her stories about him. This leads Lois to build up the image of a perfect man for Superman (which is helped by the fact that he's a super powered guy in a cape who saves lives), and gives her a sort of school girl crush on secret admirer type of deal. It also, eventually, leads to Clark actually becoming jealous of himself.
Lex Luthor: Micheal Rosenbaum
Lex is a billionare philanthropist, inventor, and socialite in Gotham city. He started out in a poor family in Metropolis and, through his vast intelect and scientific inventions, pulled himself and Metropolis out og the gutter. He turned Metropolis from a nothing town to a major city. His inventions have also put the United States roighly ten years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology. He is well loved in Metropolis for his charity and remains a public figure for his wealth, influence, and eccentricities such as his obsession with physical fitness and his aptitude to only wear clothes that are either green or purple. However, behind closed doors, Lex leads a much darker life. Because of his first hand experiences of the evils of the world, Lex wishes to save humanity from itself. Wether we like it or not. To this end, he has enganged in several illegal activities such as human experimentation, and has manipulated events and put such figures as poloticians and mobsters under his control. He has massive influence over Metropolis' main crime syndicate, Intergang, who he supplies with weapons and funding. Through this, he is able to instill order in Metropolis' criminal underworld. He wishes to control Superman, both to use his power to help change the world for the better, and to insure that Superman doesn't abuse his power to change the world for the worse.
Perry White: Michael McKean
Perry is the Daily Planet's seasoned editor in chief. Though often impatient and blunt with his reporters, Perry is none the less a caring man who tries to do his best to help his friends. Being a bit more down to Earth than Lois, Perry is the first to link Clark's tendancy to suddenly be nowhere to be found and Superman saving the day.
Jimmy Olsen: Liam Aiken
An intern/photagrapher for the Daily Planet, Jimmy is very much a fly on the wall in the Daily Planet, going largely ignored yet seeing everything. In many ways, Jimmy is like a young Clark: Somewhat socially akward and prone to take on far to many responsibilities. Jimmy is highly adept at the use of electronics and computers, and his skills at photography are often overlooked in favor of his ability to fix computers and photo copiers, along with making him get coffee.
Brainiac: Brent Spiner
An alian AI created on the planet Colu, programed with the task of pacifiying and and all alien worlds it comes across by removing all free will. In stark contrast, the being itself is quite full of emotion and life, possessing a rather witty sense of humor, a pechant for whimsy, and a need to stop and savor every new thing it experiances. However, it's programing is like the instinct to eat or to sleep or to **** for us. It needs to do it. Thus, it often gets very angry with whoever tries to stop it. The AI latched on to the body of carnival side show mystic Milton Fine, and vastly enhanced Fine's meager psychic abilities to great levels. It took Fine's stage name, Brainiac, as it's own for the hell of it. Brainiac was drawn to Metropolis because of Lex Luthor's technology.
The Parasite: Adam Baldwin
A rude, violent, thrill seeking thug from Suicide Slum, Rudy Jones was abducted by Lex Luthor's company due to his unique genetic structure. He was experimented on illegally by Lex's scientists to try and find a way to end world hunger by allowing humans to absorb the energy they needed directly. It worked too well, allowing Rudy to absorb any energy directed at him and convert it into physical power. The more energy he absorbs, the stronger he becomes. A side effect is that he became completely hairless and his skin and eyes turned purple. Of course, he also escaped.
Morgan Edge: Rutger Hauer
Metropolis media mogul and crime lord. A major player in Intergang and Lex's contact to the organization. Considers himself Lex's friend, although Lex is warry of him.
Toyman: ?
Winslow Schott, the son of toy store owners who was killed by Intergang for not paying protection money. Winslow was put into the system, but ran away and began living on th streets. Found an old costume shop where he lived, and began dressing and speaking in the manner of a 50s sitcom character. Eventually goes on a bid for revenge against the mosbters responsible for the deaths of his parents. Uses high tech weapons of his own design made to resemble toys, including life sized, voice controled green army men robots with limited AI, a bouncy ball that smashes anything it hits to bits, and a yoyo he uses to strangle people. All of his devices are made from materials stolen from a wharehouse that stores discarded Lexcorp inventions, for which he has a job as a security gaurd.
The Prankster: ?
Oswald Loomis, a former actor who, after being fired, killed the studeo executives. Was sent to jail, and later recieved Winslow Schott as a cellmate. The two escaped together, and became black market wepaon designers.
Metallo: James Marsters
An enforcer and hitman for Intergang, John Corben is also a graduate of Harvard and MIT, holding degrees in Law, Engineering, and the preforming arts. Somewhat eccentric, he's the type of enforcer who woul torture a man to death while listening to classical music. Was transformed into a cyborg by Lex Luthor to help test and counter Superman.
Terra-Man: ?
Tobias Manning, a former Texas oil baron who, after seeing the damage his company was having to the environment and having a mental breakdown, used all of his wealth to buy a stockpile of weapons and became an eco terrorist. He was secretly supported by Lex Luthor, who gave him technology that would enable him to control plant life and cause artificial earthquakes. Terra-Man targets corperations that do harm to the environment, often destroying their facilities with small earthquakes. Another sign of his mental breakdown is that he speaks in the manner of a cowboy, and often wears a cowboy hat.
General Dru-Zod: Ron Pearlman
The violent, xenophobic, fascist leader of Krypton's military who was imrpisoned for trying to take control of the council. He was sentenced to an eternity in the Phantom Zone, but was freed when S.T.A.R. labs was experimenting on Superman's ship and the devices within it.
Hank Henshaw: ?
Part of a crew of four atronauts who supposedly died when their suttle exploded in the Van Allen Belt, they instead barely survived, exposed to massive amounts of radiation and slowly dying. Lex Luthor took them in and tried to save their lives, using the gene therapy involved as an excuse to atempt to give them super powers. Hank developed the ability to manipulate machines with his mind. When Superman raided the facility the four astronauts fought him. However, due to their rappidly decaying bodies, they all died to to the stress of the battle. Hank was able to repair his body by transforming himself into a sort of techno/organic life form, and was thus the only survivor. Driven mad, he blamed both Superman and Lex Luthor, and vowed to kill them.
Manchester Black: ?
A street level thug from Britan, Black is a horendously violent vigilante with vast psychokinetic abilities. He leads a vigilante gorup known as The Elite who have become known as terrorists and murderers in the U.S. Secretly, they are supported by Lex Luthor, who funds them and helped bring the team together in the first place.
Vera Black: ?
Manchester's kid sister and second in command. Much less violent than her brother and more inclined towards peacefull sollutions. Lex Luthor gave her her cybernetic arms.
Okay, I haven't thought of any storylines yet, but when I do, I'll post them.