Oprah hits campaign trail for Obama


Goddess in Residence
May 26, 2002
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She says state of nation, belief in candidate led to her first endorsement

Winfrey said she felt nervous and “out of my pew” as she addressed a gathering hall packed shoulder-to-shoulder in the largest gathering of Iowans in the campaign this year.


http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22160762/:grin: :grin:
She isn't fooling anyone.Oprah wants a black in the White House,but i heard most don't think Oprah will change or effect their voting choice.
The fact that the woman has so much influence is proof that society is dead.
Look under your chairs, people who voted for Obama. You all get a new ccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Oh how I wish she could influence them! I'd rather have him in there than any republican right now, which I get the feeling will sneak back in some kind of way. If they do, God help this country. :(
presidental candidates shouldnt have to rely on celebrity endorsement
I may vote for Obama too but the anti republican behavior on here to look cool is kind of annoying. Republicans and Democrats are basically the same thing people :confused:
I may vote for Obama too but the anti republican behavior on here to look cool is kind of annoying. Republicans and Democrats are basically the same thing people :confused:

To "look cool".................:huh: I'm really going out of my way to impress people I have never, nor will ever meet. :whatever:
I am waiting for the "Obama has affair with Oprah" reports to surface :o
She did a damn good job in her speech.....and his speech gave me goosebumps...
To "look cool".................:huh: I'm really going out of my way to impress people I have never, nor will ever meet. :whatever:

You know I'm not singling you out or anything. I'm speaking in terms of the hype it self. A full on trend that shows a typical kind of behavior on here. The best candidate goes out the window on here because apparently the only best candidate can be a democrat. To me, even if I would vote for a democrat it doesn't mean there is not a republican worth voting for. Damn labels in society. Young=vote democrat. Ehh
Damn labels in society. Young=vote democrat. Ehh

That's what a Democrat said to me. She was shocked that I was a Republican because I'm 19.

And then you have Republicans thinking I'm a Democrat :csad:
ACTUALLY, there is a major move of 18 - 25 year olds to the Republican party.....its quite a phenomenon actually.....BUUUUUT the difference is....they are Fiscally conservative, but Socially liberal......
ACTUALLY, there is a major move of 18 - 25 year olds to the Republican party.....its quite a phenomenon actually.....BUUUUUT the difference is....they are Fiscally conservative, but Socially liberal......

Ahhh...someone who understands me :yay:
I just learned from experience that whenever a republican gets in office, things tend to go downquickly. Plus the heck with what the people think, its all about your buddies or rich people. Don't get me wrong, Dems do it to but just not to the extreme that I notice Repubs do. But that's just my opinion. :o
That's what a Democrat said to me. She was shocked that I was a Republican because I'm 19.

And then you have Republicans thinking I'm a Democrat :csad:

You are a Demopublican. :)

I'm waiting for obama to jump up and down on the oprah couch.

That would be pretty damn spectacular. It would make people think Oprah was a witch with a magic couch that made people lose their minds.


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