Oscar Problem!!

redmarvel said:
Comedies and Musicals are lumped into one category... That seems like a rip off of both to me. Comedies and Musicals are two completely different things and should each get their own award.

That's the Golden Globes. And you guys just toss out nominees without stating who you'd replace. You do realize that's part of it right. Toss in Peter Jackson and Christopher Nolan. There goes Ang Lee and Steven Speilberg.
I personally don't loose sleep over weither the oscars award movies i like or not. I don't loose sleep over there opinions its just that it gets dissapointing to see your good favorite movies and some actors never get awarded for there work. Mtv and now Spikes Horror movies awards is just not good enough. They should do this take 10 of the very best all around movies and performances and the most top 5 vote out of each makes the oscars but let the people who watch the films have some part in the oscars or the globes. I Will not loose sleep if they none of my favorite actors win its just almost like a presidental election.
Max J Power said:
A History of Violence and Road to Perdition are both not very "comic booky." I doubt V For Vendetta will get any nominations that are not related to visual or sound effects. There definately have been some great acting and directing in comic adaptations, but the Academy ignores them becuase they are action movies. All these movies will probably ever get is visual or sound nominations/awards.

I think comedies are underrated by the Academy too.

very true on basically everything, but I could honestly see V getting a couple noms, perhaps for Portman. Hell, I'd give it a best picture nom.

And, like you said, comedies are underrated, which is why Thank You For Smoking will most likely get screwed.
I think comedy is the genre that's been unfairly looked over the most.
god/devil said:
First let me say that I do not want this thread to turn into a "my fav film deserved an oscar thread" but I want to discuss why don't the the Academy recognise certain genres of film. Over the past 20 years very little horror, rom-com, superhero films have even been considered to an oscar in a catagory that actually counts.

Speaking on behalf of comic book films there has been a few which at least deserved to be considered (X-2, BB and Spiderman). There has also been some strong performances in many comic book movies eg. Ian McKellan.

In relation to horror, there is a lot of crappy horror film been made these days but I think that as an actor it is extremely hard to act in these types of films. Take Radha Mitchell in Silent Hill, her performance was flawless but it's doubtful she'll receive an recognition for it nevermind an oscar.

So the question I put before you is why do the oscars only recognise one type of film.

(The references to actors and films and solely my opinions but I'm sure you can think of other examples)

ummm x2 did NOT deserve to be nominated...for anything. BB...no. Spider-man...no. I...I.... ****, this is not even worth it.
I don't know, I think Brian Cox's performance in X2 was Oscar-worthy.
Cinemaman said:
4. Flags of Our Fathers (no nominations!)
It's Saving Private Ryan directed by Eastwood. How would this NOT get nominated?
Flag of Our Fathers was creating Oscar buzz when people first heard about it plus Eastwood has a double shot this year by also directing Letters From Iwo Jima. Blood Diamond has also been thrown about mostly due to DiCapirio tackling the South African accent but mostly for Dimonju Hounson.

Someone mentioned comedies being over looked and thats definitely true. There have been some nominees over the years from comedies but they seem to be there to fill the roster mostly recently was Johnny Depp for Pirates (although I find this totally deserving)
Donnie Darko said:
very true on basically everything, but I could honestly see V getting a couple noms, perhaps for Portman. Hell, I'd give it a best picture nom.

And, like you said, comedies are underrated, which is why Thank You For Smoking will most likely get screwed.
I'd give Hugo Weaving a Best Actor nomination. Portman was fine but not award-worthy. Thank You For Smoking was really good too. If they had an award for Best Ensemble Cast, I'd pick that.

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