Part of screen has blanked out


Earth Rocker
May 12, 2002
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Alright, well, I travel all over the place with my laptop (HP Pavillion dv7 Notebook PC) and have never encountered a problem with it before. Today I got home, turned it on, and encountered this on the right side of my screen.


I'm not even sure about the cause, far less for the solution. A friend said I could've passed a magnet or something. If this is going to have a less costly solution I'd like to know before I dump the thing out.
Based on what you said about traveling a lot, it seems to me that it's the screen and not the video card. You should make 100% sure of that though before moving forward.

The best way to determine that is to hook the laptop up to a monitor and see if you get a good image. If it's just the screen, there are laptop shops that specialize in replacing LCD screens.
It looks fine on a desktop monitor so I guess I'm getting this screen replaced. I hope that it's fairly cheap.
It looks fine on a desktop monitor so I guess I'm getting this screen replaced. I hope that it's fairly cheap.

You could probably find the display for your computer on or Amazon and you could replace it yourself. Find a YouTube video with step by step instructions on how to do it and save yourself some money.
Based on what you said about traveling a lot, it seems to me that it's the screen and not the video card. You should make 100% sure of that though before moving forward.

The best way to determine that is to hook the laptop up to a monitor and see if you get a good image. If it's just the screen, there are laptop shops that specialize in replacing LCD screens.

Replacing a laptop LCD might cost an arm and a leg, or maybe the same as a new laptop.

One way to test for screen issue is to capture a screenshot of the screen: if it's the video card, the blacked out areas will be in the screenshot; otherwise, the captured image will be fine (you can see it in any paint/image manipulation software by zooming out).

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