Sci Fi Wire had a chat with actor Paul Bettany (Da Vinci Code) who confirmed that he will return in "Iron Man 2" as Jarvis, the silky-smooth computer voice in Tony Stark's house, lab and suit.
Oh, yeah, I am," he said, adding that he barely remembers recording his dialogue fo the first film.
That was a very peculiar experience, because I know Jon Favreau,"
Bettany explained. "
He said, 'Do you want to do this thing?' I said, 'Yeah.' He was in L.A., and I turned up at a recording studio in New York City, and all I remember doing is laughing for about two hours and eating some croissants and then going home."
Bettany said that by the time the film was actually released, he had forgotten he worked on it. "
Somebody said to me about six months later, 'Are you the voice in Iron Man?' And I said no," he said. "
They went, 'Really?' And I went, 'Oh, no, I am! I am.' So it was sort of done for fun."