Basically, who was the "Hot" character 10-12 years ago when the cartoon was going on and there were 20000 X-Men books, but has lost popularity now? I'm not saying in terms of fans eyes, but maybe how often they're being used? (For wrestling fans, the best way to describe this is, who was getting a major push back in the mid-ninties, but is now on the back burner?) My pick would be Gambit. Back in teh day, Gambit was the most popular X-Man second only to Wolverine. His face was pretty much on anything Marvel and X-Men related. Now, its 2006. What happened to him? With the new teams debuting, he's not on any of them. He was killed off in Ultimate X-Men. And, the biggest punch to the stomach, he has not appeared in any of the movies. What happened? Its like his popularity just diminished. What do you guys think?