Possibly the funniest Penny Arcade comic ever.

I demand blue response! blooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PLAS said:
I don't get it
Ditto, but then I never pay attention to what the subject matter appears to be in this one. My favorite is the Ninja Gaiden one.
Immortalfire said:
I fail to see the humor.

yeah, it's not like it's an owl spouting a humorous if somewhat (and by somewhat i mean "worse than MC hammer") played out phrase.
"Lord of the Rings for WATCHES"?! Come on, that's funny. :D
Mr Sparkle said:
yeah, it's not like it's an owl spouting a humorous if somewhat (and by somewhat i mean "worse than MC hammer") played out phrase.
Immortalfire said:

I guess when it comes to humor "we're going a different direction than you"
(our direction being actually funny)
Mr Sparkle said:
I guess when it comes to humor "we're going a different direction than you"
(our direction being actually funny)
Whatever you say, commie. :p
Me no gets jokes be funny. :(
No PA comic that has it's punchline(s) focused on specific video games can be the their funniest comic, it limits the people who'll find it funny.

Anyway, that's far from their funniest ever, and I understood it.
Did anyone see the Curb Your Enthusiasm where the guy's uncle was a kamikazee pilot who didn't die?
Any penny arcade with the drunken dreamcast is great especially the one about space pants:up:

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