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You Are My World
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry if there's a thread on this but I couldn't find it.

So I just wasted two hours watching Prometheus. What a load of tosh that was. I've never seen such stupidity in a movie in my life, examples: 'there's a snake looking thing, I know I'll try n touch it' or even better 'this massive ship is falling on me instead if rolling to the side as it falls straight down on me ill keep on running straight in its eye line'. Finally the ending I have an idea instead if making an intriguing story on how Aliens were created we'll just shoehorn something in that has no relevance to the story so then we can reveal an alien at the end.

Also why bother casting Guy Prarce when all the time he plays an old man? I know they did a marketing campaign with videos of him as a young man but it was pretty stupid, they might aswell have just cast an older actor.

Only good thing about the film was Michael Fassbender, bit of advice Ridley Scott don't make Prometheus 2 at all cause we know you'll end up making it drag out even more for a third movie. Worst film of 2012!

PS. It's funny how much crappy stuff I noticed before seeing the Honest Trailer for it on YouTube.
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