PS3 2008 lineup

The ps2 really shouldn't have a lineup in 2008.
either way it all goes back to Sony
I'm interested to see how Yakuza shapes up. It's like the Shenmue that wasn't, or so I hear. Hopefully Team Ico showcases something because Sony needs them to desperately.
That list is missing alot...

MotorStorm 2
Dark Sector

And that's just off the top of my head.
I'm sure MS 2'll be this year. Oh Lost Planet also.
Lost Planet is over a year old now and it wasn't even that good to begin with.
I guess thats why I don't play games that much anymore, "Lost" is considered fantastic these days :csad:
Because it's just a fantasy...

edit: you *******s all had to respond before me
I guess thats why I don't play games that much anymore, "Lost" is considered fantastic these days :csad:

I don't mean Lost, I mean Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4+Online, Infamous, and for baseball The Show 08 looks to be adding a lot of very cool features. I can't wait for Home either
Sony's baseball games are so bad they don't allow magazines to give them coverage. You can't seriously be putting them in a list meant to impress people. :dry:
Do you need help with your typing, or even grammar? It's spelled "true".

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