PS3 E3 Info?


Feb 15, 2004
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Alright I was just searching around on Google looking up for some PS3 info because I got to thinking about what the Starbreeze developer said about the two consoles looking the same.

But before I go any further I would like to state I am a Sony Fan Boy and I do miss facts so please state any that I missed in info on the Xbox 360 to counter PS3 info if there are any.

Anyways there has been this whole big debate on which system will be better and many say that they will both be the same and I thought so to...Until I read this. On this website it is an article that I guess is written as a Pre-E3 thing on why you should wait for a PS3 and be excited about it.

Thats the link so I hope you enjoy. Please give feed back on this because although I am a Sony Fan Boy I am opened to other opinions and views on how the 360 will counter it.

However I just want to state though please do no corrupt this thread with stupid comments like SONY SUCK and XBOX 360 RULES and XBOX 360 sucks and SONY RULES...Yeah I think you get the point. :D

I want a clean fight:up:

SONY SUCK and XBOX 360 RULES and XBOX 360 sucks and SONY RULES
TheCardPlayer said:
SONY SUCK and XBOX 360 RULES and XBOX 360 sucks and SONY RULES
TheCardPlayer said:
Snaaake! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
(Interrupting Raiden during a boss fight)
Rose: Jack, I was just thinking... you don't know what my birthday is.
Raiden: It's April 30th...
Rose: You didn't get me a pony that talked to me and would take...
(Raiden gets shot while standing around listening to people and dies)
Rose: Jack? This isn't happening! Jack? Jaaaaaaaack!

Yeah, that's all I remember from MGS2 codecs. :(
WhatsHisFace said:
(Interrupting Raiden during a boss fight)
Rose: Jack, I was just thinking... you don't know what my birthday is.
Raiden: It's April 30th...
Rose: You didn't get me a pony that talked to me and would take...
(Raiden gets shot while standing around listening to people and dies)
Rose: Jack? This isn't happening! Jack? Jaaaaaaaack!

Yeah, that's all I remember from MGS2 codecs. :(

That never happened :mad:

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