You never cease to amaze...
Danalys said:
"Itagaki has said (and demonstrated) that he only works on the most powerful console hardware available to him." but perhaps the PS3 wasn't avaliable to him when he was planning games for the 360.
Yes, it was. The final PS3 specs were widely known before the end of 2005, and he would have had access to dev kits by the time DOAX began development. And by now, he
certainly would have had time to reconsider and port, which he has done in the past. He hasn't. He's not going to. You're not going to see Team Ninja games on the PS3. Accept it.
do you honestly expect him to say the PS3 specs are better while trying to sell an 360 game.
Like when he said that the PS2 specs were better than the Dreamcasts while DOA2 had barely been released, and he began work on porting it? Or when he said that the Xbox was vastly superior not long after that games release, in effect saying the Xbox specs were superior while trying to sell a PS2 game? Yeah, I'd expect him to do it. He sort of has a history of it. And on top of that,
no developer last gen had
any trouble saying the Xbox specs were superior to PS2s, all the while attempting to sell PS2 games. This argument has failed.
it just wouldn't happen. this makes his sentence meaningless.
What sentence are you talking about, and yes, it would and has happened. It didn't. That's because Team Ninja games are 360 exclusive. Kinda simple.
but if he did start developing for the PS3 that would mean something. remember that the original DOAs were on sony consoles.
Yes, and then the Dreamcast when it became the most powerful, then the PS2, then the Xbox, and now the Xbox360, where his games have
remained even after having the full power of the PS3 known to him for more than enough time to begin a port. He hasn't. He's not going to. Ever.
GTA has been announced so you can dismiss that for the same reason you dismissed Splinter Cell 4.
GTAIV has been acknowledged to exist, that's about it. We have no screens, no details, not even a real name. It's still valid to be what they're talking about, and it isn't like magazines haven't hyped up their announcements before and embellished a bit to sell a few extra copies.
Zenien said:
Was that random shot in the dark really worth such a long post.
Yes, because I hear this garbage all the time, and it never gets any more intelligent when I do. It's like the idiots that used to ask when Halo was going to make a PS2 appearance.
Anyway, Itagaki was asked recently about the consoles respective power. To put it bluntly he dodged the question and said, when asked specifically if the 360 was more powerful, that power isn't everything, a console with better tools can have the edge. Try and make the PS3 out to be trash or deficient all you want, but point blank Itagaki wouldn't say the 360 was more powerful, adn for him not to say it, means that both are very close one way or another, AND he's said that he's had no access to the PS3, so there goes the he knew the 360.
Zenien, no. This is more of the same conscpiracy theory "omgz team ninja will switch sidez!1!1!!!" crap that happens every week. Itagaki has said it was more powerful in the past, while knowing the full specs of each machines. Itagaki has worked exclusively on the 360, while knowing the full power of each machine, and having the opportunity to work on either. Following his well known policy of only working on the most powerful console hardware of the time, we can say with absolute certainity that he believes the 360 to be more powerful. Period, the end, no debate possible. You can spin all the interviews you want and do all the wishful thinking you can, but you're going to be extremely disappointed if you're expecting TN to make a jump this gen. It's not happening. There's a better chance of Bungie, Rare, and Lionhead all getting together and jumping over. It's not going to happen.
EDIT: Since you can't seem to decide what to post until 5 minutes afterwards.
As far as him only developing on the system with the most power, he's also said that he plans on developing for the DS, so there goes that credo as well.
Way to read too much into something and get entirely too worked up about it. :|
You're WAYYY too sensitive about the idea of Team Ninja multiplatform in any capacity. :|
Not quite the same thing Zenien, but ok, spin away. Just be sure to spend some of that spin time on thinking of a good explanation as to why Team ninja's games never showed up in 5 years.
And no, I didn't read too much into something, what are you talking about? You implied that TN was making a jump, which has been implied by people time and time again, and is patently false, and it's irritating to see the same crap said over and over and spread to impressionable idiots who will be repeating that crap until 5 years have passed and they finally realize that it's not going to happen.
And once again, no, I'm not "WAYYY too sensitive" about them going multiplatform, I'm irritated that people would prefer to post made up crap and spin as opposed to facts and common sense. Saying TN is going multiplatform because he said the 360 has good tools is almost as ridiculous as that idiot that said UE3 couldn't be used for a FPS.