PS3 launch games (and other things)


Devourer of Worlds
Sep 1, 2000
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Monolith plots PS3 title, new EyeToy avatar scoop, plus tentative launch line up and a host of next-gen Sony goodies

11:41 You've got to love our magazine brethren. Despite working exclusively in dead tree media, they get in on some top scoops which occasionally make us a touch green with envy. Well, maybe not, but hats off to Official PlayStation 2 Magazine which has come up with a bunch of great PS3 goodies in the latest issue.
Chief among the delights is the news that Monolith, the developer behind awesome PC FPS F.E.A.R., is working on a PS3 exclusive. Not a great deal more is known, but given the developer's leanings we'd be surprised to find it was anything other than a PS3 FPS. It almost certainly won't be a F.E.A.R. title though, as Vivendi has retained all rights to that series.

Other hot PS3 news? Well, the mag also reveals that your online PS3 persona will be captured via an EyeToy camera, which can then be converted into an avatar so you'll be able to upload your mugshot to the PlayStation Network Platform and share your visage with an unsuspecting world.
As well as providing rumours on the existence of a new Level 5 (Dragon Quest VIII, Rogue Galaxy ) PS3 title and the fact that Pandemic is beavering away on up to six new games for current- and next-gen consoles, OPSM 2 also offers a tentative array of some of the PS3 titles which should be available for launch in November. They are:

John Woo's Stranglehold
Sonic The Hedgehog: Resistance
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
An interesting array of PS3 goodies indeed and of course, we'll be bringing you more from the games juggernaut which is E3 next month.
Galactus said:
John Woo's Stranglehold
Sonic The Hedgehog: Resistance
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

Crap... Looks like I might be getting PS3 at launch then :(

Well, I guess it depends if its worth getting PS3 for those titles or if its better to get them on X360.
John Woo's Stranglehold
Sonic The Hedgehog: Resistance
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

:( thats all I will get maybe sonic. Dang I wanted gundam to be a launch title.
Got the Lik Sang April newsletter e-mailed to me this morning

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](1) PlayStation 3 Update: Region Free for Games. Worldwide Launch. Price Point Revealed?[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Back in January we talked about how the PS3 may be region free, and a couple of weeks ago importers across the globe threw their hands in the air as exactly that was announced; no region-lock on PlayStation 3! Recently Sony also confirmed that the launch has been delayed though, but with a new date of November Sony are planning for free multiplayer online gaming, a larger hard drive pre-installed with Linux, 100% backwards compatibility, downloadable full-songs, movies, games and more. They're also aiming for an almost simultaneous worldwide launch, which as Microsoft can testify too, is one hell of a challenge. Knowing how bad the 360 and even DS Lite shortages were, the sooner you get your commitment free PS3 Pre-Order in the better. Here you can also read up on all the details to come out of the press conference, check out the full PS3 schedule for this year, and get the latest goss on the price, which will be no less than 50,000 yen (US$ 427 or 354 Euros).
I wish Stores were allowing Pre Orders :( My Gamestop or EB Games wont do them until about 8 Weeks before release :(
Dnsk said:
I wish Stores were allowing Pre Orders :( My Gamestop or EB Games wont do them until about 8 Weeks before release :(

That's to prevent what happened to us with the 360 happening again with the PS3. And rest assured, depending on the price, it's not only going to be a similar situation, but possibly a hell of a lot worse.
OH MAN THAT launch line up is kind of sweet to me, however I'm dissapointed Resistance Fall of Man isn't on there:(
Nothing particularly grabbing me there. I would be excited about Sonic, but its no secret how much the franchise has fallen since genesis. This is exactly why God of War should be a launch instead of a PS2 sequel.
I'll get Untold Legends is it has a story. Unlike the PSP game's.
Not a great launch there, but I never expected one to be honest. Tekken is the only game I'd look into. I won't be getting mine at launch. I'll wait a year or so for a price drop and a better variety of games.
Meh, a so-so lineup.

Good thing I wasn't planning on buying this thing until next year anyway.
jaydawg said:
Nothing particularly grabbing me there. I would be excited about Sonic, but its no secret how much the franchise has fallen since genesis. This is exactly why God of War should be a launch instead of a PS2 sequel.

Exactly, Sonic has become the family pet that you have had for years and is starting to crap on the carpet, he should be put down but you just don't have the heart to do it. Sonic the Hedgehog has gone the way of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon.

Yes, God of War 2: Divine Retribution should have been a Playstation 3 launch title instead of a Playstation 2 sequel, maybe Sony will smarten up and pull a Nintendo and delay the game and have it come out for the Playstation 3 launch instead (just like Nintendo is doing for the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess).

However, this is not a full launch title list. Expect other games such as Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Resistance: Fall of Man, Unreal Tournament 2007, and others to join the list. However from the looks of it so far, I am not getting a Playstation 3 at launch. I'll wait for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots to come out or another killer app.

It looks like the Playstation 3 launch line-up will be as mediocre as the line-up for the Xbox 360 so far. Still a wait and see, but I don't have my hopes high for it. It looks like the only console that will have an amazing launch line-up will be the Revolution with games like the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Revolution, Super Mario 128, Red Steel, etc.
To be fair, we dont really know what games are launch for Revo. The only really confirmed exclusive launch title is Red Steel. I wouldnt be surprised if Smash or Prime 3 are delayed. But honestly, why are they still putting so much support for the PS2 crowd? I can understand why, but God of War? Thats a big time heavy hitter and would have been perfect for launch. Its a shame too, but I guess it works out in the end for me. Wont have to spend $500 soon.
XwolverineX said:
Zelda is goin' to the Revolution?! :eek::confused::down

the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is still a Gamecube game but the reason why it was delayed for the Revolution launch is so they could add features to the game to be used only on the Revolution.

So if you don't have a Revolution, don't fret, you'll still be able to play the game. If you do, you'll be able to enjoy the game even more.
I heard that at one Sony press confrence the guy said they were planning on releasing 230 games at launch! and he did it with such a stern face and no trace of sarcasm. Do you think they will say something at E3 about this, hell they don't even have 230 games!
THE LIZARD#1 said:
I heard that at one Sony press confrence the guy said they were planning on releasing 230 games at launch! and he did it with such a stern face and no trace of sarcasm. Do you think they will say something at E3 about this, hell they don't even have 230 games!

That would never happen for any system.
Well what if Sony was actually planning on doing it? I mean I think that would be pretty sweet to like hear at E3 here are the games we are releasing and finding out that its a crap load. If you go to Gamespot they had orders for PS3 games and they all say they are coming out on October 1st which is kind of werid since PS3 doesn't come out until november but they are releasing the blurray dvds right now with nothing to play them on so maybe they are using this tactic for PS3.
Personally I think the PS3 line up so far looks alot better than 360s, that system only had four good games at laucnh Perfect Dark, Call of Duty, Quake 4 and Condemned.

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