Rank the DC films


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
As many as you can think of (or care to mention)! All i found were Batman ranking threads.
Great (will watch again and again)
The Dark Knight - 10
Batman Begins - 9
V for Vendetta - 9
Man of Steel - 8.5
The Dark Knight Rises - 8
Watchmen - 8

Average (worth seeing once)
Suicide Squad - 7.5
Batman (1989) - 7
Batman Returns - 7
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - 6.5
Superman II - 6
Superman - 6
Constantine - 5
Green Lantern - 5

Bad (regret watching/never finished)
Batman Forever - 4
Batman and Robin - 2
Superman III - 4
Superman IV - 3
Superman Returns - 3
Catwoman - 1

Honorable Mentions
Swamp Thing :oldrazz:
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1) Superman The Movie
2) Batman (89)
3) The Dark Knight Rises
4) V for Vendetta
5) Constantine
6) The Dark Knight
7) Superman 2
8) Batman Returns

Not a huge fan of the others.
I suppose I'll go back as far as Donner's Superman films (unlike the Marvel list where I started with Blade, the start of the "comic book film revolution") and including the Vertigo and Wildstorm films since there are so few compared to Marvel.

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins

4. Batman
5. Batman Returns
6. Superman II
7. Superman

8. Superman Returns
9. V for Vendetta
10. Green Lantern
11. Constantine
12. Batman Forever
13. Watchmen

14. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
15. Batman and Robin
16. Superman IV
17. Superman III
18. Steel

Refuse to watch
19. Catwoman
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1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. The Dark Knight Rises
4. Superman

5. Superman II
6. Watchmen
7. Superman Returns
8. Batman Returns
9. Batman

10. V for Vendetta
11. Green Lantern
12. Constantine
13. Batman Forever
14. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Utter trash
15. Batman and Robin
16. Superman IV
17. Superman III
18. Steel
19. Catwoman
Dark Knight 10
Batman Begins 9
Dark Knight Rises 2

That's all I've seen. I did see a Superman film but it was very long ago, I remember nothing really except Clark Kent in the hospital.
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No worries! :D that's why they are rebooting it. :p
1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman
5. Superman
6. Superman II
7. Batman Returns
8. V for Vendetta
9. Watchmen
10. Green Lantern
Great (will watch again and again)
The Dark Knight - 10
Batman Begins - 9
The Dark Knight Rises - 9
V for Vendetta - 9
Watchmen - 8

Average (worth seeing once)
Batman (1989) - 7
Batman Returns - 7
Superman II - 6
Superman - 6
Constantine - 5
Green Lantern - 5

Bad (regret watching/never finished)
Batman Forever - 4
Batman and Robin - 2
Superman III - 4
Superman IV - 3
Superman Returns - 2
Catwoman - 1

Honorable Mentions
Swamp Thing :oldrazz:

I lost respect for your list when I saw you gave Batman and Robin a 2.... That's WAY too high. Hahaha
LOL. there arent enough NUMBERS B&R has to be higher than Catwoman but the list is only 1-10!!! D: you see my dilemma? hahaha.
Nolan's Bat-films and Watchmen. Aaand that's it.
Superman 1 & 2(but just barely on that one thanks to Richard Lester); as well as Batman Begins and that's really all there is as far as I am concerned. None of the rest pass muster.
When you look at DC films as a whole, it's so disappointing that beyond Batman (and 70s Superman) there just isn't much there. I haven't watched a few of these in years, but based on memory... I'm just including live action for now. Might do another one with the animated movies. Scores out of ten. All DC and its other imprints...

  1. The Dark Knight - 10
  2. Batman Begins - 10
  3. V for Vendetta - 9.5
  4. Batman Returns - 9.5
  5. Road to Perdition - 9.5
  6. Watchmen - 9
  7. A History of Violence - 8.5
  8. The Dark Knight Rises - 8.5
  9. Batman (1989) - 8
  10. Superman - 8
  11. Superman II - 8
  12. Constantine - 6
  13. Superman Returns - 5
  14. RED - 5
  15. The Spirit - 5
  16. Batman & Robin - 4
  17. Supergirl - 3
  18. Batman Forever - 3
  19. Catwoman - 3
  20. Green Lantern - 3
  21. Superman III - 3
  22. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - 2
Maybe I'm being kind to some of the abysmal films towards the end there, but as time passes I find they don't 'offend' me as much as they used to. Sometimes I watch them just for a laugh.

Yet to see: Steel, Swamp Thing(s), Stardust, The Losers, Jonah Hex
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Incredible - Dark Knight Rises, Batman Begins/Dark Knight
Solid - V For Vendetta, Batman, Watchmen
Some good moments but mostly ******ed - Batman Returns/Forever, Superman
Trash - Everything else

It can change drastically once Man Of Steel, Justice League, Flash, Wonder Woman and the Batman reboots happen. Blind faith maybe, but DC has the potential to really pick it up in the next several years.
I'm just going to list the ones I like in order of preference:

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Superman II
4. Superman
5. Batman Returns
6. V for Vendetta
7. Man of Steel
8. The Dark Knight Rises
9. Watchmen
10. Batman 1989
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The Dark Knight
Superman II
Batman Begins
A History of Violence
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Road to Perdition
Batman 89
Batman Returns
Superman Returns
The Dark Knight Rises
(the rest not worth mentioning)
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Edited after finding more movies under DC:

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins

4. Batman
5. Batman Returns
6. Superman II
7. Superman

8. Superman Returns
9. V for Vendetta
10. Green Lantern
11. Constantine
12. RED
13. Batman Forever
14. Watchmen

15. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
16. Road to Perdition
17. Jonah Hex
18. Batman and Robin
19. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
20. Superman III
21. The Spirit
22. Steel

Refuse to watch
23. Catwoman
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Spectacular films
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
V for Vendetta
Batman Returns

Good/OK films
Batman Begins

Worth seeing once
Batman Forever
Superman Returns
Batman and Robin
The Spirit

No thanks…
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
2-A History of Violence
3-Superman II
5-Batman Begins
6-Batman Returns
7-Road to Perdition
9-V for Vendetta
10-The Dark Knight Rises
12-The Dark Knight
13-Superman Returns
14-The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
15-Green Lantern
16-Superman III
17-Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Haven't seen:
The Spirit
Batman & Robin
Batman Forever
Swamp Thing
The Losers
Jonah Hex
Very Good
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
V For Vendetta

*-as comedies Batman: The Movie and Batman & Robin

The Dark Knight Rises
Road to Perdition
Superman II
Superman Returns

Batman Forever
Green Lantern
Batman Returns

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
Jonah Hex
The Spirit
Only good ones I can think of:

The Dark Knight Trilogy
Batman 89
Batman Returns
V for Vendetta (which is overrated but still good)

The rest are pretty bad.
DC really needs to get their act together movie wise. I mean, their main franchise (Nolan's Batman) was the greatest thing ever. Even better than the best of Marvel's films. So they have that going for them. But that series is over now and the rest of their movies make anything marvel puts out look like Citizen Kane. As a bigger Marvel fan, I'm fine with this difference in quality. But I'd stil llvoe to see some DC characters done as much justice as Batman was y'know?
We finally have a new movie to add to this list! I watched Man of Steel last night and overall I enjoyed. It's not necessarily a great movie. It had a lot of great moments but I don't think it geld quite perfectly as a film. I don't think it did for Superman what 'Batman Begins' did for Batman, but it's really entertaining and I could see much potential for future sequels....as long as they get a new director (I'm not a fan of Snyder).

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins

4. Batman
5. Man of Steel
6. Batman Returns
7. Superman II
8. Superman

9. Superman Returns
10. V for Vendetta
11. Green Lantern
12. Constantine
13. RED
14. Batman Forever
15. Watchmen

16. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
17. Road to Perdition
18. Jonah Hex
19. Batman and Robin
20. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
21. Superman III
22. The Spirit
23. Steel

Refuse to watch
24. Catwoman
1. Man of Steel
2. Batman Begins
3. Watchmen
4. The Dark Knight
5. The Dark Knight Rises
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As many as you can think of (or care to mention)! All i found were Batman ranking threads.

I don't know why I couldn't find your thread, but I asked a mod to either combine my thread to this or just close mine.

So anywho, I guess I'll bring up my list into this thread too.

1.) The Dark Knight Trilogy
2.) Man of Steel
3.) Watchmen
4.) Superman: The Movie
5.) Batman ('89)
6.) Superman II
7.) V For Vendetta
8.) A History of Violence
9.) RED
10.) Road to Perdition
11.) Batman Returns
12.) Swamp Thing
13.) Batman Forever
14.) Constantine
15.) Stardust
16.) Superman Returns
17.) Batman & Robin
18.) Superman III
19.) The Losers
20.) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
21.) The Spirit
22.) Batman ('66)
23.) Steel
24.) Supergirl
25.) The Return of Swamp Thing
26.) Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
27.) Green Lantern
28.) Jonah Hex
29.) Catwoman

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