Rank the MCU Villain Threats **IM3 Spoilers**


Sep 17, 2002
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I've decided to do a top ten greatest threats in the MCU (as of Iron Man 3 **Major Spoilers**). I'm ranking their threats based upon their powers, abilities, resources, and forces at their disposal. I took into consideration things like: who gave the orders?, who pulls the leash?, and who defeats who?. Hence why Stane beats out the Ten Rings and Whiplash beats out Justin Hammer. So here are my rankings. What do you think?

10) Justin Hammer & Henchmen
9) Ivan Vanko "Whiplash" & Hammer drones
8) Raza & Ten Rings
7) Obadiah Stane "Iron Monger" & Henchmen
6) Emil Blonsky "The Abomination"
5) King Laufey & Frost Giants
4) Aldrich Killian "The Mandarin" & A.I.M.
3) Johann Schmidt "Red Skull" & Hydra
2) Loki & Chitauri army
1) Thanos
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I think you could argue about Vanko and Raza's relative position. Vanko really *should* be a greater threat than he actually was, being a near-Stark level genius. However, given that he was so narrowly fixated on revenge against the Stark's, he never got the chance.

Similarly, you could argue over Killian vs the Red Skull. Both were actual evil overlord supervillains with organizations and armies and dreams of world conquest. It just depends on how you value their rather different resources.
True bit I see Red Skull's threat as more global than Mandarin's; however an argument could be made.
Loki wins! I'm not counting Thanos yet because we haven't seen yet what he can do.

And I hope MCU will introduce more well-known villains.
I've decided to do a top ten greatest threats in the MCU (as of Iron Man 3 **Major Spoilers**). I'm ranking their threats based upon their powers, abilities, resources, and forces at their disposal. I took into consideration things like: who gave the orders?, who pulls the leash?, and who defeats who?. Hence why Stane beats out the Ten Rings and Whiplash beats out Justin Hammer. So here are my rankings. What do you think?

10) Justin Hammer & Henchmen
9) Ivan Vanko "Whiplash" & Hammer drones
8) Raza & Ten Rings
7) Obadiah Stane "Iron Monger" & Henchmen
6) Emil Blonsky "The Abomination"
5) King Laufey & Frost Giants
4) Aldrich Killian "The Mandarin" & A.I.M.
3) Johann Schmidt "Red Skull" & Hydra
2) Loki & Chitauri army
1) Thanos

Seems like a good list.
Red Skull was terribly boring.
Loki wins! I'm not counting Thanos yet because we haven't seen yet what he can do.

And I hope MCU will introduce more well-known villains.

loki's actions only effected New York. the Red Skull was effing up a continent. Mandarin, by somehow gaining a foothold in the White House and being behind the 10 rings terrorist organization, was doing damage on a global scale.
Seems like a pretty good ranking, but I wouldn't include Thanos, since we haven't actually seen him directly do anything yet.

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