Read Ex Machina #1 for free


Aug 16, 2003
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Brian K. Vaughan said:
For those of your who still haven't checked out the sci-fi political thriller that ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY recently included in their "Ten Best Fiction Books of the Year" list, DC Comics has a FREE version of the entire multiple Eisner Award-winning first issue of EX MACHINA available for download right here:

If this is your first time reading it, please let us know what you think!


I thought this might interest some of you guys if you haven't yet checked out this awesome series, which has been nominated for several Eisner Awards again this year
i never read this before but i gotta say im damn impressed. an interesting, original power, but its not the power that defines this character, its his personality, and truly an unbelievably original concept set in a very realistic world.
you got all that just from reading the first issue just now?
I'm sold, I'm going to get the trades.

Thanks Elijya!
that last page really does it for ya, don't it? :D
It really does, don't know how anyone could read that and not want to read more.
Ex Machina reminds me alot of Iron Man in some ways, hahaha. I've never read the book before, but it seems to be a decent read. :up: I'll check out the paperbacks for sure, thanks for this.
ive been reading this series since the begining and have been reading every single issue. it really is a good book. too bad bkv is ending it along with y thelast man, but that was kind expected.
I find that series where the writer has a definitive conclusion in mind are better for it
Yeah. I mean, even with more serialised works where a planned conclusion isn't noticed, the writer should have a conclusioned planned out should the day come where they ant to end the series.
ya better than having somebody come on board who doesnt really get the book as well as the original writer
Exactly. Fantastic Four suffered from that problem for a few years after Lee and Kirby left, unril John Byrne came along.
true, but ex machina doesnt have the feel of a book that has a plot of ending ya know? at least with Y you get that. but i think ex machina should be an ongoing or bryan can take breaks and come back to the book.
Spectre722 said:
ya better than having somebody come on board who doesnt really get the book as well as the original writer

that basically says all the comics we have now shouldve ended when stan left.

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