Remembering Krypton. A Fan fiction by Super_Child


Sep 8, 2003
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It was a diamond, he was so sure of it now that its edges were etched in his mind. The nightmare had plagued him for months on end like a relentless shadow hovering over him. He remembered parts of the nightmare every time he woke up, but quickly forgot its details throughout his day. He knew one thing for certain however, and that was it terrified him every time he experienced it. He recalled fragments of it on his way to work as he stumbled along half asleep, in a world of his own and oblivious to his surroundings.

He remembered the shouting, it was loud. But not the kind of loud when you shout at someone across a crowded room, it was a scream in fact. A woman's scream maybe? He wasn't sure. And the flashing lights were blurry yet vivid in his head. He could picture them. Flashes of green, almost blade like in form, Blurs of Red and yellow. They puzzled him, frustrated him, scared him. What were they and why was he so terrified of them? Whatever they were everything led back to the diamond. Its shape, its size, its colors. Red he thought, maybe there was something inside the diamond? Encapsulated in it perhaps. But what? What was the diamond and what did it mean to him?
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