What happened? Am I dead? Those were the 1st words into Cyclops's head. Then pain lanced through his body,answering his question for him. No. Good. Then he felt somethimg on his legs. Something cold. Hard. Like Diamond. Diamond... No... Emma's de... Scott Summers never finished that thought. He too, entersd oblivion.
Cable awoke. His eyes opened 1st, slowly, as if having been asleep for a long time. He tries to get up, but falls back to earth, feeling weak, and dizzy. Then he remembers the past 24 hours. The battle. Magneto's defection. The mainsion. It's destruction. All the deaths...
Kurt Wagner was teleporting across the remains of the mainsion, searching for survivors. So far, he had found the bodies of Cyclops, Emma Frost,and an injured Gambit. For all he knew, Iceman and Pheonix had survived, along with Bishop, Rouge, and Storm.Then he hears a familiar voice. "Nightcrawler!" "Colossus! I see you haff survived as well!" Aye, comrade, but are they're any survivors?" asked Colossus. " Yes, mien fraud, I haff been searching for survivors." You look hurt, you should go to whats left of the medical wing." Nightcrawler continues to teleport across the wrekage. Suddenly, something catches his eye. He stops, and peers down at the ground. He finds the tattered shreds of a special uniform..... ....... his mothers......
and more to come!
Cable awoke. His eyes opened 1st, slowly, as if having been asleep for a long time. He tries to get up, but falls back to earth, feeling weak, and dizzy. Then he remembers the past 24 hours. The battle. Magneto's defection. The mainsion. It's destruction. All the deaths...
Kurt Wagner was teleporting across the remains of the mainsion, searching for survivors. So far, he had found the bodies of Cyclops, Emma Frost,and an injured Gambit. For all he knew, Iceman and Pheonix had survived, along with Bishop, Rouge, and Storm.Then he hears a familiar voice. "Nightcrawler!" "Colossus! I see you haff survived as well!" Aye, comrade, but are they're any survivors?" asked Colossus. " Yes, mien fraud, I haff been searching for survivors." You look hurt, you should go to whats left of the medical wing." Nightcrawler continues to teleport across the wrekage. Suddenly, something catches his eye. He stops, and peers down at the ground. He finds the tattered shreds of a special uniform..... ....... his mothers......
and more to come!