Resent Figure Drawing

Jun 25, 2002
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I did this one last thursday during my life drawing class.

I realise that there is nudity in the picture but since I've been here there doesn't seem to be many childish posters in this forum. However, if anyone finds this picture offensive or a Mod needs it to be taken down then please just send me a PM and I'll take it off. Thanks.
Well, with figure drawing, I see no need for censorship unless it's done in a totally erotic way.
I understand, duder. But that's just my two cents on the subject.
It's a sad world indeed where you can show th^t naked, but not a Playboy model. :confused: heh
I was wondering the same thing. I posted some gesture stuff because it's gestures but was't sure if I could post the longer poses because of the no nudity thing
The only thing I would do is slap a NSFW (Not safe for work) in the thread header- its usual protocol when a thread contains images nakedness or bloody guts.
CyberMonkeytron said:
The only thing I would do is slap a NSFW (Not safe for work) in the thread header- its usual protocol when a thread contains images nakedness or bloody guts.

I just did that, thanks for reminding me that some people actually have jobs at the moment. :o
Sadly, I removed the image at the top of the thread.
We have a NO NUDITY rule here at the Hype... and that includes illustrated nudity as well as photographic nudity.

I realize it was a nude study, a life drawing, but still the rules apply.
As an artist I fully understand the intention behind the work, but no nudity is NO NUDITY, no acceptions...

As always I'm a PM away if anyonw has any further questions!

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