🇺🇲 Ridin’ with Biden: It's Joever

US News
Biden is so out of touch that he doesn't realize that this will be an obstacle to his empire games.

In its statement, CENTCOM assured that the pier “remains fully functional” despite Saturday’s snafu, and that no injuries were reported.

CENTCOM said that four vessels had broken free from their moorings, but that pier was still functional.
While support for Israel "should" be off the table for various reasons, this article presupposes that Biden isn't considering certain moves for Israeli actions. In fact, IIRC, he held back certain offensive weapons as a result of some of the happenings in Gaza. IMO, he hasn't done enough, but to say he has not followed through on reconsidering US support is inaccurate.
We had previously discussed how a random event could take over the election campaign.

It might be H5N1 bird flu. I don't really understand what's going, but it appears to be spreading fast, and is scary.
While support for Israel "should" be off the table for various reasons, this article presupposes that Biden isn't considering certain moves for Israeli actions. In fact, IIRC, he held back certain offensive weapons as a result of some of the happenings in Gaza. IMO, he hasn't done enough, but to say he has not followed through on reconsidering US support is inaccurate.
Ultimately, both parties and even alleged firebrand RFK Jr. are nearly identical in this area. AIPAC is an incredibly powerful lobby group, and there are a lot of wealthy Zionist donors: the Saban family, the Adelson family, Bill Ackman, Stephen Schwartzmann, etc.

If a major party came out against Zionism, they would not merely lose the election. They would also lose subsequent elections, and many of their politicians at all levels would see their careers annihilated. These same donors have been able to get major institutions like Harvard and Columbia to bend to their will.

Biden could be impeached on an unrelated issue, as the former Harvard president Claudine Gay who was removed for plagiarism.

There is no democracy in the USA on this major issue. If you disagree you can lose your career and your university degree.

If there is help against the genocide, it will come as it has before, from countries that are not under the US imperial umbrella: Iran, Yemen, South Africa, Lebanon, etc.

That said, the protests do matter not because they effect this issue, but because of their long term impact. Columbia and Harvard and friends train the next generation of elites, so if standard socialization breaks there that might undermine the system.
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We had previously discussed how a random event could take over the election campaign.

It might be H5N1 bird flu. I don't really understand what's going, but it appears to be spreading fast, and is scary.
I hope not. I'm not convinced we learned anything from covid.
A lot of Americans are smart enough to realize that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve should be kept in a strong state.
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To what end? So Trump can win and let Isreal finish the job with no trouble? Why do they think anyone else would be better?
It amazes me once again how short sighted people are, so they will work to hurt Biden which means a guy like Trump will win who is a million times worse and will only aid isreal more in wiping out Gaza, clearly they didnt see his policy for the middle east and he hasnt made it a secret his plans to deport muslims and south americans, so by all means hurt Biden, that will make things better for you
It amazes me once again how short sighted people are, so they will work to hurt Biden which means a guy like Trump will win who is a million times worse and will only aid isreal more in wiping out Gaza, clearly they didnt see his policy for the middle east and he hasnt made it a secret his plans to deport muslims and south americans, so by all means hurt Biden, that will make things better for you

If people always vote for the lesser of two evils, then the needle will always move in the direction of more evil (long term).

You're also saying that since everybody in Gaza will be killed off either way, people should vote on other issues. I hope you can understand that not everybody can do that.
If people always vote for the lesser of two evils, then the needle will always move in the direction of more evil (long term).

You're also saying that since everybody in Gaza will be killed off either way, people should vote on other issues. I hope you can understand that not everybody can do that.
Actually i am not saying that but my point is what will Trump do that Biden isnt already trying do? Trump has been laying out policies in this campaign with clear messages of mass deportations and internment camps, he has been clear whom he is targeting, Muslims and Hispanics whom he claims are here illegially, which can be intepretted any way they please, Trump is a supporter of the current Isreali government, especially the far right segment, there isnt alot the United States can actually do to affect the outcome in a positive manner, but it can absolutely make it worse for the people in Gaza, so why would Muslims in this country think Trump will help more than Biden?
Actually i am not saying that but my point is what will Trump do that Biden isnt already trying do? Trump has been laying out policies in this campaign with clear messages of mass deportations and internment camps, he has been clear whom he is targeting, Muslims and Hispanics whom he claims are here illegially, which can be intepretted any way they please, Trump is a supporter of the current Isreali government, especially the far right segment, there isnt alot the United States can actually do to affect the outcome in a positive manner, but it can absolutely make it worse for the people in Gaza, so why would Muslims in this country think Trump will help more than Biden?
He won't, and yeah, he'll make things a whole lot worse at home. Not a good payoff.
Actually i am not saying that but my point is what will Trump do that Biden isnt already trying do? Trump has been laying out policies in this campaign with clear messages of mass deportations and internment camps, he has been clear whom he is targeting, Muslims and Hispanics whom he claims are here illegially, which can be intepretted any way they please, Trump is a supporter of the current Isreali government, especially the far right segment, there isnt alot the United States can actually do to affect the outcome in a positive manner, but it can absolutely make it worse for the people in Gaza, so why would Muslims in this country think Trump will help more than Biden?
I have not seen many people argue (from the left) that Trump will be better than Biden. However, what I have seen argued, is that if they are equal in supporting the extermination of two million people, then neither one should be supported regardless of other policies.

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