You could open an American PSN id, maybe? I know I wanted to download a Japanese game demo once and I was able to get into the Japanese PSN store, which was tricky cause I don't know a lick of Japanese, I just followed instructions I read online. If you can get into the U.S. store (which is probably easier cause I assume you speak English) then go into the video section and you'll find it under "Just-in TV" you'll have to enter in all your credit card info if you open up a new US account.
That's my best guess if you really wanna see the episode and can't wait. This one's worth paying for lemma tell ya! Or you could wait for it to be uploaded somewhere. I usually go to for this show, but as of right now they don't have this one up yet, but it might pop later, usually a better bet than YouTube and it'll be in one piece.