Living in the rainy nowhere that is Tasmania, I managed to catch this earlier. Great episode, and while I was hoping for a "Bwa-ha-ha" from Ted, it still has some great interactions between them and doesn't try to pull your heartstrings in a completely over-the-top fashion.
Looking forward to the teaser since that was cut from the airing I saw.
In one of the most insane teasers I have ever seen, Batman teams up with the ghost of Jeb Hunter, who drives around as the Haunted Tank, in order to take down the nefarious mobster Mabel Mhurder/Ma Murder. I know the Haunted Tank has showed up in the spin-off comic, taking down the Key in a very subtle, quiet way. This, however, is a destructive, loud, insane, action-packed team-up, with a very unsubtle reference to the Dukes of Hazzard. Needless to say, I loved it!
In today's main adventure, after helping an annoyed Batman take down the Madniks, Booster Gold starts to miss his dead friend Ted Kord, the former Blue Beetle. He travels back in time to get closure and capture the Madniks, but instead causes them to gain powers, and destroy Hub City in the present day. Present day Batman and Booster travel again to the past to help their "best friend" Ted take the villains down, now turned into giant, power-absorbing monsters. Batman and Booster work together to help their friend and defeat the monsters. The duo say their final farewells before Ted's last mission, while avoiding any contradictions, and return to the present, more comfortable with the death of Ted.
I liked this, maybe a bit more than last week's. Again, death seems to be a recurring theme (helped by Cartoon Network's scheduling stupidity
) in the last few episodes. But while B'wana Beast and the Doom Patrol died heroically, and the Flash (Barry Allen) came back from the "dead", this time, time travel is used to explore the last moments of Ted. I liked the fact that it dealt with the impact of his death without becoming grim and dark. It brings a refreshing from all the darkness of the last few weeks, and it works a bit better than last week's. The angle of Batman and Booster being both the best friends of Batman was interesting, and made for some good chemistry.
I also commend this episode for its use of time travel. Usually, it would have been used to prevent Booster Gold from messing with the past in the first place, but instead was used a bit after. Not only is it different, but it also prevents confusion.
Overall, I liked it. Probably a bit better than last week's to me.
From one of Bat-Mite's secret Bat-files, an earlier adventure depicting Batman and his rainbow costume, as he helps Robin fight Firefly and his Rainbow Creature. Then, Bat-Mite, wanting to see Batman and Joker fight, is tricked by the Clown Prince of Crime to give him his powers. Joker then uses his powers to warp reality to his own twisted version, making himself emperor, and realizing his true goal: kill Batman once and for all.
I also commend this episode for its use of time travel. Usually, it would have been used to prevent Booster Gold from messing with the past in the first place, but instead was used a bit after. Not only is it different, but it also prevents confusion.
I loved the show, but was a little annoyed at first when Batman treated Booster and Beetle's friendship so badly. Those two are better friends than Batman and Beetle, but I liked that Batman was Beetle's work friend and Booster is Beetle's fun friend. And that Batman finally understood that Booster missed his friend.
Great episode. I love Blue and Gold. They should get their own cartoon.
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