Season 8 Theories and Speculation

Brienne beat the **** out of Loras Tyrell... who is a great fighter.... as well as multiple soldiers (at the same time)... she's not an ultimate fighter, but she's surely not overrated.
That's what i'm saying.,
Tyrion betrays Dany and the Starks and is executed. There is a long scene in which Jon, Dany, Sansa, and Arya find out about his betrayal. The scenes filmed at the Italica (Dragonpit) location in Seville was for Tyrion's trial. It is not known how Tyrion dies or what his motivations are for betraying the Starks/Dany. Tyrion's death is the most shocking and heartbreaking scene of season 8.[/spoiler[
That conflicts with earlier leaks. And it doesn't make any sense with his character.
Tyrion betrays Dany and the Starks and is executed. There is a long scene in which Jon, Dany, Sansa, and Arya find out about his betrayal. The scenes filmed at the Italica (Dragonpit) location in Seville was for Tyrion's trial. It is not known how Tyrion dies or what his motivations are for betraying the Starks/Dany. Tyrion's death is the most shocking and heartbreaking scene of season 8.[/spoiler[

How reliable is this guy?
Friki is very reliable.

the earlier leaks seem to be the fake **** theyve talked about "filming" but im sticking with Friki.
Friki is very reliable.

the earlier leaks seem to be the fake **** theyve talked about "filming" but im sticking with Friki.

If you say Friki is very reliable that's good enough for me.

Edit: just watched the video. Are those spoilers from Friki?
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im not sure all ive watched from friki for this final season is his finale stuff. i dont even know if he made any other vids for this season... but he was spot on about a lot previously.
I have to say, I'd be very happy if that video turned out to be correct, and all the material seems as likely to be true as anything else I've seen.
Back in S2, DT mentioned that Jorah used to serve in the GC. Wonder if that plays into anything.
Maybe. I'm curious about Bronn as well. We know he's a sell sword, but could he have had worked with the GC?
Two things in particular I would like to see in season 8:

- It would be fascinating to see the show end with the wheel broken. I'm referring to Dany's quote earlier in the show about each ruling family ([FONT=&quot]Targaryen, Lannister, Baratheon, etc.) being spokes on a wheel and her wish to destroy the wheel, meaning an end to the current system of ruling.

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]- More backstory about the White Walkers and the Night King's mo[FONT=&quot]tivations and some explanation of why it has t[FONT=&quot]aken them [FONT=&quot]so [FONT=&quot]long to journey [FONT=&quot]South.

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]I'll ad[FONT=&quot]d more thoughts later, sti[FONT=&quot]ll absorbing [FONT=&quot]GoT as I binge[FONT=&quot]-watched th[FONT=&quot]e entire show in about a month [FONT=&quot]and a [FONT=&quot]half....!![/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
Only way I can see the wheel being broken is to destroy the Throne once and for all so no one is fighting over complete power over everything.
Yeah, after rewatching the episode a million times, I think that Tyrian really does care about the Lannister legacy, and he really does feel badly about Cersei's children. I don't think he'll ever betray Dani, but I imagine he might be willing to betray Jon for the sake of Cersei's unborn child.
That's why he was looking sad on the boat. He knew that Jon was a marked man, and he doesn't want Dani to get too attached.

For always boasting about how clever he is, Cersei really played Tyrion in the last episode.
Tyrion tells us from the beginning, his main attributes is that he reads alot, and knows things. I won't be surprised by the slightest that he has read about what really happened with Raeghar and Lyanna and already came to the conclusion that Jon is not Ned Stark's son, and was concerned because he know's Dani and Jon are related. It's probably why he wanted Jon to meet Dany because he knew he had a potential to be a friend to her and not a foe.

Cersei and Dany seemed pretty concerned about those feudal kingdoms. So Lame.

"You will betray your family." he's done that before. Breaking his Night's Watch vows... refusing to help Robb in the war of 5 kings... And Jon's family... is Targaryen... of course hes going to betray them, in a way...

but if you think for one second Jon is going to betray ARYA of all people... lmfao... youre reading and watching the wrong story friend.
If anything, I think it might be one of the Starks to betray Jon. My finger is on Sansa. She is not an innocent girl, and has already lie on multiple occasions for her own agenda, including lying to Jon about the Vale. When she finds out that Jon has bent the knee to Dany, I can see Sansa being totally ticked off about it. Now, I do think someone in Dany's camp is betraying her, because Cersei has been like two steps ahead of her the whole time. I can't see it being Tyrion. Varys maybe, but I'm skeptical. My money is on Missendei. Women on this show tend to be shady, and I can totally see Missendei being one of them.

Tyrion betrays Dany and the Starks and is executed. There is a long scene in which Jon, Dany, Sansa, and Arya find out about his betrayal. The scenes filmed at the Italica (Dragonpit) location in Seville was for Tyrion's trial. It is not known how Tyrion dies or what his motivations are for betraying the Starks/Dany. Tyrion's death is the most shocking and heartbreaking scene of season 8.[/spoiler[

I still highly doubt Tyrion will betray them. I see either Sansa betraying Jon, or Missendei or Varys betraying Dany, or even Dany ends up being the antagonist the whole time, but not Tyrion. It doesn't make much sense.
I don't buy it, mostly because there were no drone shots of anything like this occurring in Seville, so how does some YouTuber have the inside scoop? Call me skeptical, but I don't think it's true.

With that said, I do think Tyrion betraying, either in a small or significant way, Daenerys is possible. He strangely seems to still have some loyalty to the Lannisters proper in his sister and he constantly is at odds with Dany's methods. It could be a small gesture, like trying to sue for peace behind Dany's back with Cersei, but hey, Fredo Corleone didn't mean for his backroom dealing to hurt Michael. Didn't change the fact it did and Michael had a bullet placed in his brother's head.

So while it is possible, I think this is a guess. I also think it is more reliable than Sansa betraying Jon. For whatever reason some fans want that, but I do think the end of season 7 acknowledged that the Starks are too tight for that kind of Lannister-esque skullduggery. "The pack survives." Varys is the most obvious choice for a traitor amongst them, which would make it being Tyrion more surprising. Not saying I want this ending, or believe this "spoiler," but suddenly I could see Tyrion's fate playing out very Godfather-like. Dany doesn't want to do it, but this is "business."
I do think Tyrion doesnt have the stomach for what needs to be done. Hes fascinated by dragons, but the reality of them horrifies him. And hes never liked war. I think after he saw Dany burn those lords alive, which personally I agreed with and thought was pragmatic, and after seeing the dothraki and the dragons obliterate his family's soldiers he realized he doesnt have the stomach for this. It's one thing to dream of making a better world, but Tyrion doesnt want to do what needs to be done. Or at the very least he doesnt want to be a part of it. And doesn't want to destroy his family house to do it. And he doesnt like the idea of those dragons being alive and wielded by Dany or anyone.

So I can believe he's up to something. And that he thinks it's in his, his family's and maybe even westeros's best interests. I dont think he'd betray Dany or Jon for purely malicious reasons just to get back in good with his sister.
I suspect if he does betray them, he will think it is for the good of the realm and (I assume) in a way that it is not meant to directly harm Dany, only her power. Of course if that happens, such qualifiers will not save him.
Friki is pretty much the go-to leaker on Free Folk.
So probably the trailer before the end of the year..
theres a rumor that teaser is this weekend and the trailer is dec 21.... with character trailers at some point, 15 seconds or so each.
Have yall seen the promotional video for the new book Fire and Blood in which George says, Aegon may have conquered and united the 7 Kingdoms to prepare Westeros for the invasion of the Others...that Aegon may have known somehow 300 years ago that the Others were going to invade...

For the record, I've never seen this speculated by anyone and since this video was released I've been seeing people saying that this waasnt even a fan theory prior to the release of this video so its curious that George is saying this. If it's not been a fan theory why mention it, and if it was a niche fan theory why mention it? He's either slipped up and revealed something huge, or he's just created a massive red herring.

If it's true that Aegon invaded and united the 7 kingdoms to prepare for the futuee invasion of the Others that's huge.
Have yall seen the promotional video for the new book Fire and Blood in which George says, Aegon may have conquered and united the 7 Kingdoms to prepare Westeros for the invasion of the Others...that Aegon may have known somehow 300 years ago that the Others were going to invade...

For the record, I've never seen this speculated by anyone and since this video was released I've been seeing people saying that this waasnt even a fan theory prior to the release of this video so its curious that George is saying this. If it's not been a fan theory why mention it, and if it was a niche fan theory why mention it? He's either slipped up and revealed something huge, or he's just created a massive red herring.

If it's true that Aegon invaded and united the 7 kingdoms to prepare for the futuee invasion of the Others that's huge.

I remember reading some theories on the Internet about this. But people seemed genuinely indifferent about it. Probably because it doesn't really matter now?
I mean if that was his plan, that's a pretty faulty plan.

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