The great thing abou the SHH! Community Forum is anything goes. This freewheeling attitude can make for some interesting posts: some tittilating, some controversial, some hilarious. But mixed in with "The Hype's Only Hottest Woman" and "What's the last thing you ate?" threads are a whole bunch of intrusive threads whose only interest is to poke their noses into other people's business. Threads like "Where do you stand politically?", "What's the last book you read?", "Do you suport the death penalty?", "Where do you stand on the political compass?", "How many people here are over 30?", and "Should they repeal the 22nd Amendment?" seem to be pushing it. Who are these guys who post these things? Certainly not your typical comic geek/highschool gamer/thrash metal fan. This makes me very uncomfortable. At the very least a wealth of data is being mined with every response to such questions. And as this in the Internet, nothing is rarely what it appears to be. Heck, I love looking at Scarlett Johannsen as much as the next guy but what I smoke, who I vote for and how often I get laid is still my business.