(yes, the poll is slightly biased)
Still, I don't think he ever should have joined. Seriusly, aside from the Hydra arc, I haven't read one New Avengers story that benefitted from Spider-man's involvement, nor have I read a Spider-man story that benefitted from the Avengers' involvement.
Spider-Man acts like an imbecile in every issue of the Avengers title, and the Avengers act like a bunch of college kids in the Spider-Man books...hanging around, doing nothing. Hell, where were they in "The Other" when Morlun was pounding him to a pulp?! Yeah...some team mates. Also love how they left him up in the hospital room with Mary Jane and no protection. Awesome work.
On top of that, I think having an "All Superhero" supporting cast just severely weakens the book and takes away from the "everyman" quality that used to make Spider-Man so appealling.