Should we really trust dolphins?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
From Wired

Killer dolphins with knives and pistols attached to their heads. It might sound crazy, but that’s reportedly one element of the Ukrainian navy’s restarted marine mammal program.
The program reportedly includes training dolphins to search for mines and marking them with buoys. But Ukraine also plans to train the dolphins “to attack enemy combat swimmers using special knives or pistols fixed to their heads,” according to RIA Novosti. A source inside the Ukrainian navy told the agency that the exercises, which are being conducted at the state oceanarium in Sevastopol, are “counter-combat swimmer tasks in order to defend ships in port and on raids.”


Do you reckon dolphins believe in freedom? I don't. I heard they helped secretly fund the whaling industry in Japan because they're racist against whales.

Who would be better as an animal warrior? I reckon sharks would be alright. They would be loyal because sharks need all the friends they can get. Not like dolphins.
The question is...

Should dolphins really trust US?
Oh no, Dolphins will do it an conquer the land. BE READY FOR THE INVASION

I will trust dolphins
And I should never eat tuna, it kills dolphins :(
Oh yeah and don't forget this movie the pro-dolphin lobby tried to have shut down...

In answer to the poll question I said Sharks, they can be nice
But if the shark is white, you're in serious trouble, that one is all the way anti-democracy :oldrazz:
Did you say dolphins? I'm sure you meant Italians. Gray, bottlenosed, intelligent Italians...
One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them, the dolphins will soon be here.

And I for one welcome our new porpoise overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted financial professional, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underwater mackerel caves.
One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them, the dolphins will soon be here.

And I for one welcome our new porpoise overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted financial professional, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underwater mackerel caves.


All I ask is that the come up with a new theme song. Their press won't let us live down the Vogon thing. We get it, you're greatful for the fish, you tried to warn us our planet was going to be destroyed...move on already!
I've never trusted dolphins, they smile too much...
flipper made me touch his blow hole...I've cried before going to bed every night since.
I demand a military dolphin as a killstreak reward in Call of Duty: Black Ops.

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