Should We Water Board Terror Suspects To Save Lives?

Anything involving saving lives should be an easy answer, no?
No, I know. I was asking a question.
I like the idea of waterboarding someone with the intent of getting them to say they are Bill O'Reilly. Slim, let's try it on you and see if it works. :p

I like the idea of waterboarding someone with the intent of getting them to say they are Bill O'Reilly. Slim, let's try it on you and see if it works. :p


I'm sure it would work.:yay:
I like the idea of waterboarding someone with the intent of getting them to say they are Bill O'Reilly. Slim, let's try it on you and see if it works. :p


Yep. I know if I'm being waterboarded for information, I'd probably just say random things. It's almost a win win.
I picked yes if it will help get any possible important info out of them. That and actually the main reason is, they would be treating any POW's like **** themselves regardless if we pampered ours over here. At least were not slowly hacking their heads off while their still alive and conscious.
There have been countless studies that prove torture is not an effective way of extracting information, so no.
There have been countless studies that prove torture is not an effective way of extracting information, so no.

Not always effective, but do any of those studies say what is a better method? I don't imagine flattery or flowers would do the trick either.
Not always effective, but do any of those studies say what is a better method? I don't imagine flattery or flowers would do the trick either.

Actually, there are better methods. And remember, just because it is on 24, doesn't mean it works.
Actually, there are better methods. And remember, just because it is on 24, doesn't mean it works.

I'm not disagreeing, but, have you heard other methods that work better?
I'm not disagreeing, but, have you heard other methods that work better?

Yes, there are several forms of interrogation outside of torture that work better.

Edit: Oh, you want examples. I really don't have time to research it right now, but I will try to find a couple articles by the morning :up:
Actually, there are better methods. And remember, just because it is on 24, doesn't mean it works.

LOL, I don't watch 24. Friends of mine do but I could never get into it.

You never answered my question about if those studies were nice enough to give alternate methods for effective interogation.

I'm not trying to be a smartass either, im really interested because I just can't think of any other ways that mean business to make them cough it up or wish they were never born.
Anyone else find it strange that this Cousin Itt guy suddenly popped up and is pretty much repeating all of Celldog's talking points? There is another one like that who just joined too. Do you guys this Slim would be sad enough to make screen names simply to agree with himself?
Anyone else find it strange that this Cousin Itt guy suddenly popped up and is pretty much repeating all of Celldog's talking points? There is another one like that who just joined too. Do you guys this Slim would be sad enough to make screen names simply to agree with himself?

I wouldn't be surprised. :o
We are all facets of Celldog, including Memphis Slim.


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