Since it's the Holidays...


Dec 1, 2001
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What's the coolest thing you've ever done for somebody else? Or that somebody's done for you?<br /> <br /> I remember this one time, my Mom was pretty sad about some of my relatives not going to be able to make it for the holidays, and so I did the cool thing, I said "I love you, Mom", and that really cheered her up.
Well,when I was a Kid,more than ANYTHING I wanted an Official Red Ryder 200-Shot Model Range Rifle With Compass In The Stock...I tried EVERYTHING to tell my parents that I really wanted it,I even told Santa and my favorite teacher in school...All anyone would say was "You`ll Shoot Your Eye Out,Kid"......<br />But,low and behold,on Christmas Day,I was given that Greatest Gift I Had Ever--Or Would Ever Receive.....<br />We had Christmas Dinner in a Chinese Restaurant that year,because our neighbors dogs ate our Turkey.....<br />Weird Christmas all-around...... <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
Oh,and by-the-by...Old Time Posters will know what this means...<br />It`s The Christmas Shopping Season out there...and SOME people will decide to park in Handicapped Spaces they do NOT deserve.....

Ol`Paladin`s out there too........ <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
I KNOCKED SPIDER-MAN'S ONE TRUE LOVE OF A BRIDGE!!!!!!! <img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
Originally posted by PALADIN:<br /><strong>Well,when I was a Kid,more than ANYTHING I wanted an Official Red Ryder 200-Shot Model Range Rifle With Compass In The Stock...I tried EVERYTHING to tell my parents that I really wanted it,I even told Santa and my favorite teacher in school...All anyone would say was "You`ll Shoot Your Eye Out,Kid"......<br />But,low and behold,on Christmas Day,I was given that Greatest Gift I Had Ever--Or Would Ever Receive.....<br />We had Christmas Dinner in a Chinese Restaurant that year,because our neighbors dogs ate our Turkey.....<br />Weird Christmas all-around...... <img src="wink.gif" border="0"> </strong><hr></blockquote>

Heh heh. Love that "Christmas Story" of yours. You didn't happen to get a pink bunny suit from your Aunt Clara, did you?
Fa Rah Rah Rah Ra......Ra Rah Rah Rah.

"Except I didn't say 'fudge'....I said the grandaddy of all curse words..."

Did you know that Zack Ward, who plays "Dave" on the Fox show, Titus, was also Scott Fargas, the red-haired bully in "A Christmas Story?"
Originally posted by 8legs
Fa Rah Rah Rah Ra......Ra Rah Rah Rah.

"Except I didn't say 'fudge'....I said the grandaddy of all curse words..."

Did you know that Zack Ward, who plays "Dave" on the Fox show, Titus, was also Scott Fargas, the red-haired bully in "A Christmas Story?"
Did you know that Scott Schwartz, the kid who got his tongue stuck to the pole does porn now
Originally posted by Dew k. Mosi
Did you know that Scott Schwartz, the kid who got his tongue stuck to the pole does porn now

and the kid that played ralphie looks the same just grown up!
this is a thread from back when I was not even a year old on Hype
Its almost Thanksgiving've all had 3 years to do something cool for someone else...have you?
I've helped save the lives of a few people's pets, but that's my job, not something special I do for Thanksgiving.

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