So, how does one go about copywriting ideas?


Jun 18, 2006
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Topic title. And I'll need details, if any.

Thanks in advance.
Ideas? Do you mean writing? If I recall, you don't have to send away for an official copyright anymore. Anything you write becomes copywritten by you. Just make sure that you include a copywrite statement with your name on it for legal purposes.
You write your name all over em in permanent ink.
Yes, my son.
Example- the copyright page at the bottom:

Regardless, I'm honestly not sure what the current copyright laws are...I DO know that they've changed. You really should do some research on this.
I just copyrighted ATP.
Example- the copyright page at the bottom:

Regardless, I'm honestly not sure what the current copyright laws are...I DO know that they've changed. You really should do some research on this.

I did some browsing on it, but ended up a little confused with some of the legal phrasing on the sites I found. I was going to originally talk to my lawyer about it, though that cost money so I was hoping to get an answer here. Or atleast, hopefully before spending money where I might not have to.
I did some browsing on it, but ended up a little confused with some of the legal phrasing on the sites I found. I was going to originally talk to my lawyer about it, though that cost money so I was hoping to get an answer here. Or atleast, hopefully before spending money where I might not have to.

Do you know anyone who has been published? I'd ask around, people you know might be familiar with it.
I think if you send away it costs anywhere between 30 to 45 dollars. But that is only on written stuff. You really can't copywrite ideas. That would be weird. Where would it all end? Could you copywrite your memories too?
Do you know anyone who has been published? I'd ask around, people you know might be familiar with it.

I'm going to ask my cousin. She has a small company she owns. I'm sure she had to copyright a few things involving that. Or is that trademarking?
Man, I'm confused.:csad:

I think if you send away it costs anywhere between 30 to 45 dollars. But that is only on written stuff. You really can't copywrite ideas. That would be weird. Where would it all end? Could you copywrite your memories too?

Well, what I meant is the specifics to these stories I've been writing.
You can't copyright an idea. You can copyright stories, characters, song lyrics, logos, etc...but an idea? Can't happen. Let's say John Carpenter copyrighted the idea for Halloween. The idea is a masked killer killing teens. That would mean there could be no Jason, no Freddy, etc. In order to copyright an idea, it has to be expressed on paper as a story, poem, song or screenplay.
Yeah. Poor choice in words on my part. What I want to copyright are these stories I've written.
Yeah. Poor choice in words on my part. What I want to copyright are these stories I've written.
In the meantime you can send it to yourself in the mail. The post mark is a government seal with a date on it. People do it all the time and call it a poor man's copyright.
^ Yeh, that's the one -- just don't open the damn thing when it arrives :o
Any intellectual works in the U.S. (i.e. stories, scripts, essays, etc.) are automatically copyrighted for the lifetime of the author, plus a certain amount of time post mortem.
When it comes to copyrights.I think you need to register a patent,so no one else can use your idea.Or unless they have your permission or payed you or such.
When it comes to copyrights.I think you need to register a patent,so no one else can use your idea.Or unless they have your permission or payed you or such.
No. That's a patent. Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights. All seperate things.
An easy way to copywrite ANYTHING is to mail it to yourself, as long as you have a stamp on it with the date it was sent and u keep it sealed it proof that you came up with the idea. No one can disprove it
That won't hold up in court.
An easy way to copywrite ANYTHING is to mail it to yourself, as long as you have a stamp on it with the date it was sent and u keep it sealed it proof that you came up with the idea. No one can disprove it

That idea was debunked years ago. Doing that won't legally copyright anything. Anyone could easily send an empty envelope to themselves then years later put something in it and claim to have created it the time they sent the envelope.
That won't hold up in court.

Ture but you dont really have to pay to have anything copywritten, with music for example if you write it down its then copywritten under the Berne Convention
That idea was debunked years ago. Doing that won't legally copyright anything. Anyone could easily send an empty envelope to themselves then years later put something in it and claim to have created it the time they sent the envelope.

And any court-appointed expert can do a simple test on the age of the ink of the envelope and the ink in the content of the letter to see if they match. That method will hold up.

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