Somewhere beyond the sea...

Isildur´s Heir

Dec 21, 2002
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This is a good place to have this thread, because it´s neutral ground (no Marvel and no DC).
So, which one that you think would make a better movie?
Which one have a bigger potential?
And say why, and don´t give me the crap that Aquaman sucks because he looks like a *** and just talks to fish

Of the two, i think Aquaman have a bigger potential to be a better movie.
First of all, i´m was never much into Namor, because both he and Aquaman are extremely similar, and i always prefered the last.
Sure, Namor is much more powerful, but that is, IMO, one of the problems with the character, he is very powerful even when not wet.
And Namor have better enemies than Arthur...but, for each Attuma and Tiger Shark, Aquaman have Ocean Master and Black Manta.

But, it´s in their lifes, that i find Aquaman much more interesting.
They're so similar that it just depends on the writer/director/cast. Both have equal potential.
Contrary to popular belief, Aquaman would probably hand Namor his ass in a fight. :o

Anyway, like Kevin said it would all depend on the writer/director/cast.
I voted neither.....and I'll explain why. I don't think there is a film studio, producer, and most important director , who care enough about either one of them. Any of them will see it simply as a comic book movie & ruin it by not being faithful & probably make up their origins by scratch. When Marvel & Sony chose Raimi, whether you think Sam did a good job or not, he had the passion for Spider-Man so you knew he was not going in just to make a name for himself or just a paycheck. With Aquaman or Namor, is there anyone out there who has that much passion for those projects? It is a shame because, its only my opinion, but I'd much rather see 'Aquaman' be given the green light as a feature film before the Flash.

As far as the general public is concerned, he is the quintesenssial underwater hero
The Batman said:

As far as the general public is concerned, he is the quintesenssial underwater hero

I doubt the majority of the general public would know who either of them is.
Kevin Roegele said:
I doubt the majority of the general public would know who either of them is.
The problem with Aquaman isn't that the general public doesn't know him, it's that they think he's useless. :o
Peyton Westlake said:
I voted neither.....and I'll explain why. I don't think there is a film studio, producer, and most important director , who care enough about either one of them. Any of them will see it simply as a comic book movie & ruin it by not being faithful & probably make up their origins by scratch. When Marvel & Sony chose Raimi, whether you think Sam did a good job or not, he had the passion for Spider-Man so you knew he was not going in just to make a name for himself or just a paycheck. With Aquaman or Namor, is there anyone out there who has that much passion for those projects? It is a shame because, its only my opinion, but I'd much rather see 'Aquaman' be given the green light as a feature film before the Flash.
You talk like Spider-Man was the only hero to have a movie made...

Like i said, i think that Aquaman would make a better movie, but don´t get me wrong, Namor would make a kick ass movie too.
The problem here is, to make them diferent enough, for neither movie to outshine the other, because they are extremely similar.
I have a pretty good idea as how to make both movies, and make diferent enough...
Isildur´s Heir said:
You talk like Spider-Man was the only hero to have a movie made...

I never said anything like that at all. You people don't read anything closely.
You have to comprehend the thought I was trying to get across. In My Opinion , I dont think either Namor or Aquaman has a true fan in their corner, whether its a director or studio. Having said that, its best not to make the film if you're not a fan of the character to begin with because it will turn out horribly.
Sarge said:
Contrary to popular belief, Aquaman would probably hand Namor his ass in a fight. :o

Anyway, like Kevin said it would all depend on the writer/director/cast.

Actually, Aquaman did kick Namor's ass in 'Marvel vs DC', with a little help from a killer whale, but he still won
Peyton Westlake said:
I never said anything like that at all. You people don't read anything closely.
Yes, you did :o
When you said that Spider-Man had a fan on the helm, and that is why it turned out good.
But you forgot to mention that Bryan Singer was never fan of the X-Men, and X2 turned out fine.
The same can be said about DD.
Mark Steven Johnson is a big fan of Daredevil, and it turned out a mess.

It´s not so black and white, that´s all i´m saying...
Namor would probably be better. Aquaman has a terrible rap, so it would be easier to market Namor. I think Aquaman has a bit more potential to be a big character, because he's already well known and if a good story/movie comes out, he'll get more respect.

Good song reference, by the way.
Peyton Westlake said:
I never said anything like that at all. You people don't read anything closely.
You have to comprehend the thought I was trying to get across. In My Opinion , I dont think either Namor or Aquaman has a true fan in their corner, whether its a director or studio. Having said that, its best not to make the film if you're not a fan of the character to begin with because it will turn out horribly.
You're not counting on one thing though...

Just because you're not a big fan of a character, doesn't mean, as a filmmaker, you wouldn't have a passion in bringing said character to the screen.

Now while I'm, obviously, not a professional film director, I'd be much more interested in making an Aquaman move to, oh say...Superman, despite being a bigger fan of Superman, simply because I think Aquaman could be a newer and more revolutionary concept and film. I'm sure you could find a director who feels that way about the character...James Cameron may feel that way, in fact.
CConn said:
You're not counting on one thing though...

Just because you're not a big fan of a character, doesn't mean, as a filmmaker, you wouldn't have a passion in bringing said character to the screen.

Now while I'm, obviously, not a professional film director, I'd be much more interested in making an Aquaman move to, oh say...Superman, despite being a bigger fan of Superman, simply because I think Aquaman could be a newer and more revolutionary concept and film. I'm sure you could find a director who feels that way about the character...James Cameron may feel that way, in fact.

You are also forgetting 1 thing......Cameron wrote a treatment for Spider-man also,wanted to be the director & they still went with Raimi as the choice. Cameron was passionate about webhead but something made them go with a fan of Spider-man like Raimi.
Peyton Westlake said:
You are also forgetting 1 thing......Cameron wrote a treatment for Spider-man also,wanted to be the director & they still went with Raimi as the choice. Cameron was passionate about webhead but something made them go with a fan of Spider-man like Raimi.
That doesn't disprove my point.

Yes, Cameron was interested and they went with Raimi; that's because Raimi was both interested and a fan. Since, as you said, Aquaman and Namor don't have any fans (or fanboys, at least), that situation like Spider-Man's would never even arise.
A week or two ago my girlfriend came over & the only thing we could find on TV to watch was Splash on the Lifetime network. eventually we found ourselves wondering why the Lifetime network would be airing a movie like Splash since it didn't have anything to to with women being screwed over, betrayed, abused, or otherwise mistreated by men. I then came up with the hypothesis that it must be due to the fact that at the end of Splash, Tom Hanks' charater follows Dary Hannah's character back to her underwater home, where he (supposedly) becomes a fish-man & they live happily ever after. Thus, HE gives up everything in his life to be with HER, making it a suitable movie for the Lifetime network.

"What does this have to do with Aquaman or Namor?" You may well ask.

My answer: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Although I did vote for "Neither" in the poll, as I think they're both lame characters & shouldn't be allowed in films.
CConn said:
That doesn't disprove my point.

Yes, Cameron was interested and they went with Raimi; that's because Raimi was both interested and a fan. Since, as you said, Aquaman and Namor don't have any fans (or fanboys, at least), that situation like Spider-Man's would never even arise.

I see your point CConn but...let me ask you this. If Aquaman were to be made, give me a producer,director,writer & actor you are CERTAIN would make it above avg. Now I realize, with any movie, there is no guarantee of success, but I think with Aquaman this is the problem. Generally, he's only the guy 'who talks to the fish' in America's eyes & thats probably how Hollywood views him as well.
LanternFan said:
as I think they're both lame characters & shouldn't be allowed in films.
Everyone is lame and no one all depends of the vision you have and how well you understand the characters at hand.
Just to give you a pretty good idea on how you can make an amazing Aquaman movie, here is how i would do it (if you know about Aquaman, you´ll notice the updates i made, not so big as to make it unrecognizable, but important to do, IMO, just like i state in my sig):

Orin, born to Queen Atlanna and her lover, left to die on Mercy Reef as a baby by the insane king when he found out the queen´s betrayel, found by a lighthouse keeper, that raised him and gave him is human name, Arthur Curry.
For ages, Arthur thought he was alone, that he was one of a kind, and because of that, and because he had powers above everyone, he became Aquaman.
Years after, Aquaman discovered his not alone (how he discovered it, i don´t know yet).
Aquaman sought out to locate and know more about his Atlantean heritage, leaving some unfinished business on the surface(once again, don´t know).
What Orin found was an oppressed Atlantis, ruled by a despot named Orm (which he found out later that is his half-brother).
Orm wanted to make Atlantis into the image his father wanted....
Now, it´s brother against brother, and Atlantis as the prize.
I also don't think these two movie franchises can co-exist; one will kill the other. If "Aquaman" gets made first, who'll want to see "Namor"? Remember, you have to factor the uninitiated (people who don't read comics) into everything when it comes to marketing these babies.
Chris Wallace said:
I also don't think these two movie franchises can co-exist; one will kill the other. If "Aquaman" gets made first, who'll want to see "Namor"? Remember, you have to factor the uninitiated (people who don't read comics) into everything when it comes to marketing these babies.
Good point, if one superpowered ocean based king movie gets made, the other probably won't. The general public will cry rehash or ripoff (which technically Aquaman is...I think.) and it won't go over well.
Chris Wallace said:
I also don't think these two movie franchises can co-exist; one will kill the other. If "Aquaman" gets made first, who'll want to see "Namor"? Remember, you have to factor the uninitiated (people who don't read comics) into everything when it comes to marketing these babies.
I totally agree on that....
That´s why i said you need to have a really good vision and understanding of the characters, so, you can make a movie but it´s, not only true to the characters, but diferent between both.
Peyton Westlake said:
I see your point CConn but...let me ask you this. If Aquaman were to be made, give me a producer,director,writer & actor you are CERTAIN would make it above avg. Now I realize, with any movie, there is no guarantee of success, but I think with Aquaman this is the problem. Generally, he's only the guy 'who talks to the fish' in America's eyes & thats probably how Hollywood views him as well.
You're stretching your argument. All I disagreed with was that no director would want to do it. Aquaman will be hard to get made and be successful, no doubt there.
Its a shame CConn that it is true about Aquaman. It could be really good if it wasn't for the 'SuperFreinds' stereotype he has.
What stereotype? That he was a bland, lame character who stood around like a useless paperweight until they found some excuse to introduce water into the story?

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