Sony stole Nintendo's idea... nuff said


No... Scarecrow
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sure its a gyro, and sure its tilt and tumble. But everyone here could agree... that was the cheapest business move... EVER

Word on the street is that Sony had the idea first anyway. I'm not sure whether or not that's true, but whatever. I don't really give a s**t either way.
Cold2daToucH004 said:
Sure its a gyro, and sure its tilt and tumble. But everyone here could agree... that was the cheapest business move... EVER

I doubt that it will function as good as Nintendos
Look at the controller, It also has a center 'Guide Button'... They even steal from M$ now :D
E3 2006: Seeing The Difference.
Wiimote vs. PS3-mote. Did Sony just steal a revolution?
by IGN Staff

May 8, 2006 - Just minutes ago, Sony made the announcement that its controllers would support tilt sensitivity and showed off the feature with a live demo of Warhawk. While this is a bit of a surprise, it also is to be expected in the grand scheme of gaming. Nintendo has been an innovator from the very beginning, and the best compliment is imitation. Of course, it's a little different when that imitation could put you out of business, right? Although PlayStation 3's and Wii's controllers may share some of the same technology, don't go counting Nintendo out just yet. There are some key differences between the controllers, and between what PS3 and Wii can do with the technology. Let's break it down.

We've known for over a year now that the Wii's input device is what makes it special. The Wiimote (as we've come accustomed to calling it), has the ability to point at any television with pixel-perfect control. In addition, it also can move in three dimensional space, meaning that if a player wants to punch an enemy in the face, they can by simply moving the controller forward. To add to the control, the nunchuck unit can team along with the Wiimote, giving tilt functionality to any game, as well as an analog joystick.

Luckily, Sony's technology isn't quite the same. Here's why:

The technology inside Sony's controller is a basic tilting accelerometer device. In a sense, that's the same style of control as the left hand of the Wii combination. Think of the technology as true 3D movement vs. basic tilt. The Wiimote will sense all pointing, motion and a new dimension of control, while the PS3 controller will expand only on the specific tilt functions. To make this a bit simpler to wrap your heads around, we've put it all in FAQ form below.

Is this technology the same?
No. In fact, the best way to imagine it is to relate the Sony PS3 controller to the left-hand Wii controller; dubbed nunchuck. In short, you would not be able to play a game like Metroid Prime in the same way using the PS3 controller.

What is the difference for developers?
Simply put, it's tilt vs. motion sensing. Monkey Ball for Wii and PS3 would essentially be the same, since it's only using the tilt ability of the controller. On the other hand, a 3D tennis game or sword fighting game with swing control elements is impossible for the PS3 hardware, as it requires full motion sensing technology.

Why doesn't it need a sensor bar?
Since the technology is based solely off the tilt ability, it is self-contained. Keep in mind that the sensor bar is used for the point and click ability of the Wii functions. It doesn't need the bar, since it doesn't use that technology. The same applies to the Wii nunchuck. It can function without a sensor bar.

What type of gameplay styles will work on the PS3 controller?
Here are a few examples: Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble (which featured tilt control on the Game Boy Color), Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, racing games (using the tilt to rotate), flight sims, Monkey Ball, fishing (flick the tilt controller).

What type of things won't work on the PS3 controller?
The following actions can't be done on the PS3 controller with the same precision: Throwing/Catching a ball at a specific spot shown on screen, swinging a sword in 3D space and performing stabbing motions, aiming a weapon light-gun-style, swinging a racket, punching, general 3D item interaction, 3D drum simulator, swatting an "on-screen" fly, performing two separate tilt/motion functions at the same time.

In short, Nintendo fans still have a ton to look forward to. Will Wii have what it takes to give the world a true gaming revolution? We'll see you tomorrow morning at Nintendo's E3 conference.
hippie_hunter said:
I doubt that it will function as good as Nintendos

I dont think its as developed as nintendos...


Yeah, its only a tilt function really.
hippie_hunter said:
I doubt that it will function as good as Nintendos

That's what I was thinking. It seems that the Wii's main draw is it's motion sensor, that everything is basically based around that. From what I gather, it's more like just an extra feature on the PS3.
Sony has been stealing Nintendo's stuff forever. It's nothing new:o
a guide button isn't exactly the hardest idea to come up with.. I wouldn't call it stealing.
Yeah but this is pretty frickin ridiculous. It all makes sense though. Sony was quiet, and patiently waiting for the competitors to reveal their hands. Then, copy. I know it takes a while to develop tech, but still.. It is BS.
Geo7877 said:
a guide button isn't exactly the hardest idea to come up with.. I wouldn't call it stealing.

They stole it from TiVo. Those bastards:mad:
Playstation wouldn't exist if it weren't for Nintendo
on the 1up boards, there seems to be a large amount of anti-sony sentiment.
Seems to be alot of Anti Sony sentiment on all the forums right now.
Mentok said:
Seems to be alot of Anti Sony sentiment on all the forums right now.
Even NeoGAF. That's weird.

I seriously hope that they will change the pricing. I think they could do that.
TheCardPlayer said:
Even NeoGAF. That's weird.

I seriously hope that they will change the pricing. I think they could do that.

I don't think they even need to do that. I think that if they kept the one at 500, ditched the 600 dollar one, and gave the 500 dollar one all the bells and whistles of the Premium one (with the exception of the 60gb hd, keep it at 20) then I think they would be absolutely fine.
They won't change the price because I don't think they can. If they sold it for any less they wouldn't make any money back. That's also why the "core" pack is pretty much worthless.

Even if they COULD change it they wouldn't, because they don't care. I mean, look how long it took for the PS2 to get it's price drop(s).
VaderRISE said:
They won't change the price because I don't think they can. If they sold it for any less they wouldn't make any money back. That's also why the "core" pack is pretty much worthless.

Even if they COULD change it they wouldn't, because they don't care. I mean, look how long it took for the PS2 to get it's price drop(s).

Not sure if this is correct, but I heard that the reason they waited so long to originally drop the PS2 price was becaus ethe system was still selling ridiculously well. They only dropped the price when sales started to drop so they could then sell more. If this is true, then I don't take that as not caring, I take it as smart business.

Can anyone else confirm what I heard though?
Yeah, sales remaind very string for PS2, thats why they waited so long for the first price drop.
hey yo its sean said:

Word on the street is that Sony had the idea first anyway. I'm not sure whether or not that's true, but whatever. I don't really give a s**t either way.

I doubt it.

1- The Warhawk demo was described as being 'Adapted for the controls'. If SONY had planned this function all along, why did WARHAWK recently have to adapt the controls to suit the feature?

2- Warhawk is the only PS3 game at E3 that uses the function. IF it was a planned function all along why are there no other games using it?

SONY waited to see what Nintendo were doing then copied it. No shock really. They have been doing it since the PS1.

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