Spider-man Movie Repaints


Young Avenger
Sep 14, 2001
Reaction score
SWEET! some of these actually look bad ass


totally getting the transforming and black suit spidey... and might be able to get new goblin easier.. not sure whats dif on him.. and if anything is new with venom.. love ocks prop too
GG and NG have pumpkin bombs
this might be the poseable tentacles doc ock
nothing diff about venom
ill probably get all those spideys except black
Love the black/red suit Spidey. They all look pretty good, but the Human Spider leaves something to be desired.
there all repaints from all 3 spidey lines people.. meaning all 6inch..

venom also has silver paint.. cant remember if the normal one does or not
and wrestler spidey rocks, hes wearing a rubber costume... under it is spidey. great figure from the first line
there all repaints from all 3 spidey lines people.. meaning all 6inch..

venom also has silver paint.. cant remember if the normal one does or not
regular venom had silver paint too,which is why people complained about it
Nothing I'll get.....not much different on them....except the one.....cool for that Base to be available again (the birdy head one)....how will they fit a base in there though?

Also cool to see the wrestler Spidey again
what do you mean how? those were case orders.. i doubt there box sets
high class figures, i'd say that ock is probably a lil on the skinny side but meh...
i love how people are so seriously acting like they've never seen these figs... Ock is the same ock thats been made about 4 times, that came out during Spidey 2... and Wrestler spidey came out during spidey 1... there just repaints people not new figs
These are very cool Spidey figures. I wonder if the Wrestling Peter looks different than first movie figure.
his pants look like a different blue... but other then that he looks the same
high class figures, i'd say that ock is probably a lil on the skinny side but meh...
his coat is covering over half of his chest in that pic, hes still fat as he was when the SM2 version came out, and when they SMT version came out 3 months ago
ock also seems to have more of a green coat then a tan in the repaint
and after scoring fugly Jane yesterday, ill be waiting to get this black suite spidey (more articulation), and new goblin (due to pumpkin bomb)
what new articulation is there on black spidey?
looks exactly the same
what new articulation is there on black spidey?
looks exactly the same
thats not an ab crunch, thats the ab swivel thing they have been doing as of late (sandman,venom,and new goblin all had it)
do you honestly think hasbro would retool just the ab/chest?
but still give us the same crappy arms and no waist, they should have just finished the job and made the red/black one completely black

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