Spider-man: Stung (Recruiting)


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Title change, plot change, complete revision. Main Characters are still Venom and Scorpion, but it will feature a new villian called the Shadow Spider (Named after a friend on the Sony SM boards, called Thy_Joker on here), who is an unknown criminal wearing Spider-man's dusk outfit. He is part of a duo with another villian called the Shadow Goblin (Looks the same as the Hobgoblin, just black and no mouth), who can also blend into shadows like Shadow Spider. The plot is currently being developed.
Good luck with this guys. Can't wait to see it. I'd love to contribute something but I'm sucked into all my video projects right now.
Good luck with this guys. Can't wait to see it. I'd love to contribute something but I'm sucked into all my video projects right now.
Thank you for replying! I'm working on chapter 1 right now.
Sounds like it will be well worth the wait!

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