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Spider-man Fan Series


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I did this before, but was let down, so I'm going by that old saying: If you want to do something, do it yourself.

There's fifteen episodes in a series. Two Series. Episodes come every Tuesday starting tomorrow at 9: 30 PM British Time.
Episode guide:
Along came a Spider, pt. 1
Plot: Whilst on a school trip to Oscorp, Peter is given powers by a gentically altered Spider. After his Uncle is killed, Peter learns the meaning of "With great power, comes great responsibility".
Villian(s): The Burgular
Along came a Spider, pt. 2
Plot: When Norman Osborn wakes up from a coma after the accident at Oscorp, he discovers he has been horifically transformed. And he's out to get the one who he blames it on: Peter Parker.
Villian(s): The Green Goblin
Plot: It's Spider-man's first danger in his proper superhero career. But there's not just one threat, there's two. The monster that supposedly killed Dr Connors, and a mysterious gang leader called Beetle.
Villian(s): The Lizard, The Beetle
Steel and Electric
Plot: When a teenager gets electrical powers and sabotages his experiment, Peter's idol Dr Octavius goes mad after he is left with metal tentacles fused to his body, and is out to kill this Electro.
Villian(s): Doc Ock, Electro
Desmodus Sapiens
Plot: Scientist Micheal Morbius is turned into a twisted vampiric gargoyle after an accident, and is out for blood. Now Spidey must defeat him.
Villian(s): Morbius
Return of the Goblin
Plot: Norman Osborn has broken free from Ravencroft, and is out for Spidey's skull - again! He has kidnapped Peter's love interest Mary-Jane, and is holding her atop the Brooklyn bridge. Oh boi, Spidey has one helluva battle!
Villian(s): Green Goblin
The Scorpion Project
Plot: JJ is fed up with Spider-man, and wants him gone. With the help of Dr Farley Stillwell, he turns Mac Gargan into supervillian Scorpion! Meanwhile, Peter has a run in with old Bugle photographer Eddie Brock.
Villian(s): The Scorpion
Sand, Sand, Everywhere...
Plot: Whilst in prison, Norman Osborn hires a comrade as the new owner of Oscorp. He gets him to transform criminal Flint Marko into Sandman, in another attempt to murder Spider-man.
Villian(s): The Sandman
The Hunters, pt. 1
Plot: Doc Connors transformers into a more feral version of the Lizard and is somewhere in Central Park, brutally killing people and leaving their mutilated bodies strewn around the park. Spidey must stop him. Meanwhile, the chaos attracts a hunter
Villian(s): The Lizard
The Hunters, pt. 2
Plot: Kraven the Hunter, a proffesional animal tracker and killer is in New York to catch both Lizard and Spidey. But Peter has his own problems - Harry Osborn has gone missing after a psychiatry session!
Villian(s): The Lizard, Kraven
Down to Earth
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Man Wolf
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Harry Osborn
But not a drop to drink
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Hydroman
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Rhino, Shocker
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Green Goblin, Doc Ock
Plot: TBC
Villian(s): Ve- Uh, TBC :D
So what do you think? Comments and Crits please!
What the?This is exactly my idea. Oh man.
So its a script one? Okay. Should have mentioned that.By the way I know you had it before me because I started the idea 2 months ago.No harm done.:cwink:
So its a script one? Okay. Should have mentioned that.By the way I know you had it bofore me because I started the idea 2 months ago.No harm done.:cwink:
KK. Yeah, I forgot to mention that.
Lil taster of what's to come tonight, a small clip where we first meet Norman Osborn:
An envolope marked with NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE drops past the screen, swiping the scene from Harry and Peter to Harry's Dad, Norman Osborn, sitting at a desk as the envolope drops to him. His secretary, Grace Jones, stands near him.
Norman: I can't let them do this to me... I WONT! I'll show them how advanced Oscorp is in the technology field! That's it! GRACE, SET UP A MEETING WITH OUR PROVIDERS TOMMOROW!
Grace: Yes sir. But your son, he's still waiting to be picked up and_
Norman: He'll go round his friend's house, that Parker kid. NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!
Grace sighs and walks away. Norman takes the elevator down to the chemical testing lab to check the progress on the gene splice formula.
Norman: Dr. Stromm, are the gene splicers ready for human trials?
Stromm: Uh... Unfortunately no. Dr. Wayne was merely handling the tube of enhanced hormones when he dropped the vial and the formula melted through one of his shoes.
Norman: Oh my god... has he been hospitalised?
Stromm: Yes, we just got him there. We fear the unrefined chemicals will get into his bloodstream causing...
Norman: A transformation.
Stromm: Exactly sir. He was also taking one of the Orb-Weavers to the lab for testing. That's gone missing.
Norman: Dammit! Do you know what could happen if that's absorbed some of that chemical?!
Stromm: Not yet sir, we're still working on the effects of Animals -
Norman: Ever see the film Eight Legged Freaks? THAT'S WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, STROMM!​
Bumplestiltskin. Time has been moved forward to 5:00PM British time.
I now present to you:

Episode 1 - Along came a spider pt. 1.
A book opens and we see some notes on insects and Arachnids. Suddenly a hand smashes down on it. The hand belongs to Flash Thompson. Stocky, blonde hair. A real ladies man. Well, boy, as this is high school. The book belongs to the school geek - Peter Parker. You all know what he looks like.
Flash: 6 o'clock tonight. The park. Be there or so help me I will hunt you down and kill you.
He walks off.
Peter: Nice.
After school, and Peter walks home. He hears a voice from behind.
Harry: Pete! Wait up!
Peter's best - only - friend, rich boy Harry Osborn, catches up with him. He has brown hair.
Peter: Harry, hey.
Harry: Say Pete, d'you mind if I come round so you can help me with my Homework?
Peter: You mean do your homework? Yeah you can, but won't your Dad be worried as to your whereabouts?​
Harry: Stormin' Norman's probably got more important things to worry about.
An envolope marked with NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE drops past the screen, swiping the scene from Harry and Peter to Harry's Dad, Norman Osborn, sitting at a desk as the envolope drops to him. His secretary, Grace Jones, stands near him.
Norman: I can't let them do this to me... I WONT! I'll show them how advanced Oscorp is in the technology field! That's it! GRACE, SET UP A MEETING WITH OUR PROVIDERS TOMMOROW!
Grace: Yes sir. But your son, he's still waiting to be picked up and_
Norman: He'll go round his friend's house, that Parker kid. NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!
Grace sighs and walks away. Norman takes the elevator down to the chemical testing lab to check the progress on the gene splice formula.
Norman: Dr. Stromm, are the gene splicers ready for human trials?
Stromm: Uh... Unfortunately no. Dr. Wayne was merely handling the tube of enhanced hormones when he dropped the vial and the formula melted through one of his shoes.
Norman: Oh my god... has he been hospitalised?
Stromm: Yes, we just got him there. We fear the unrefined chemicals will get into his bloodstream causing...
Norman: A transformation.
Stromm: Exactly sir. He was also taking one of the Orb-Weavers to the lab for testing. That's gone missing.
Norman: Dammit! Do you know what could happen if that's absorbed some of that chemical?!
Stromm: Not yet sir, we're still working on the effects of Animals -​
Norman: Ever see the film Eight Legged Freaks? THAT'S WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, STROMM!
Cut back to Peter and Harry, who are now in Peter's basement, which he's set up as some kind of makeshift lab, with four shelves fulled with books, a desk, a computer, a microscope and some other utilities.
Harry: I hate learning about all of these damn chemicals and insects. And that stupid field trip tomorrow. If I wanted to go to Oscorp I'd just ask my Dad. Thank God we break up for Summer the next day.​
Peter: Well, unfortunately for you, we have to go. I'm looking forward to the trip, a-
Harry starts laughing.
Peter: What?
Harry: Nothing, just how you look forward to stuff like that.
Peter: Hey Harry, you know how I did this for you? Well could you do something for me?
Harry: Yeah, what?
Peter: Flash is going to beat me up again tonight. Could you come and help me defend myself? 6 o'clock at the park.​
Harry: He's beating you up again? Bastard. Sure, I'll be there.
Suddenly, the door opens, and Peter's Uncle Ben comes down.
Ben: Hey, Pete, Hey, Harry. Harry, your Dad's sent a car to pick you up, it's waiting for you now.​
Harry: Oh, great, thanks. Seeya ya Pete, bye Uncle Ben!
Harry grabs his Homework, runs up the stairs and leaves.
Ben: Hey Pete, how you doing?
Peter: Great, thanks! How was work?
Ben: Uh, well.... I got let go.
Peter: You were fired?! Why?!​
Ben: Guess they thought I was too old to be a mechanic. Anyway, enough of this, your Aunt's got dinner on.
Cut to 6 o'clock. Flash is waiting in the park, when Peter walks out.
Flash: Looky here, it's the bug!​
Peter: Let's get this over with.
Flash punches Peter in the arm. Peter falls to the ground, his glasses nearly falling off. Suddenly Harry walks round the corner, and grabs Flash. Flash shakes him off and goes to punch him when Grace walks out from the same corner Harry came from.
Grace: Mr. Thompson. Leave these boys.
Flash growls and runs off. Harry gets up and helps Peter up.
Grace: C'mon kids, let's go. Don't let Flash do that again. I'll drive you home Peter, don't bother walking.
Peter nods.
Cut to Oscorp labs. Peter and his class are led through the lab by Norman Osborn. Peter is at the front of the crowd.
Norman: Now we get to the chemical testing room. You will have to stay behind the safety fence, as these chemicals are highly dangerous.
Pan upwards. The Orb-Weaver, now bigger with red and blue markings, is spinning a web downwards.
Norman: Animal testing is the next phase of our research. We haven't gotten to it yet.
The spider goes further and further downwards, landing on Peter's hand. Close up on Norman's face.
Norman: So we currently have no idea what this does to animals, and therefore, humans.
The spider bites. Peter screams and starts to lash about as if in a fit. The spider drops to the ground.
Flash: Die!
He squashes the spider. Peter's flailing hits Norman, who falls over the safety fence into one of the testing vats. Peter drops to the ground.
Harry: Dad! Peter!
Cut to Peter's POV, as he looks up at the crowd around him and we slowly fade to black. Fade in again, still Peter's POV, as we stare up at a different ceiling. We zoom out, no longer Peter's POV, to see him in hospital. Aunt May, Uncle Ben and Harry sit in the visitors chairs.
Peter: What's goin' on...
May: He's awake! Peter honey? Are you okay.
Harry: You worried us.​
Ben: Gave us a good scare there.
Peter: I'm fine... Seriously.
Suddenly a nurse enters.
Nurse: Sorry, guys, you're gonna have to scoot now, okay? I need to make sure Mr Parker here is okay.​
Ben: Sure, okay.
Cut to the next day, after Peter is discharged. He wanders through an old street when suddenly he hears a horn blare! Peter turns to see a car coming straight at him, and leaps out of the way.
Peter: That was close, I could have been put back in the- What?!
He looks around to find himself on the wall! Peter stares at his hands and feet in bemusement. And then remove a hand and places it further up. Again with the other hand, foot, other foot. Until he is climbing the wall. He gets onto the roof, and decides to try something. He walks to the edge. And jumps. He leaps high into the sky, and lands on the next rooftop, unhurt.
Peter: Wow!
Cut to when Peter gets home that evening. He is greeted by his Aunt and Uncle.
May: Peter! You're late.
Peter: Sorry, I got caught up.
Ben: Nice to see you home, kiddo.​
Peter: Uh-huh.
Peter grabs his coat and slips it on.
May: Where are you going?
Peter: Uh, party
May: Well you be back for dinner. I best put it on, now. As it's now the holiday, you're allowed out until nine now.
Peter: Right.
Ben: Pete, let me drive you.
Peter: No, I'm fine.​
Ben: I need the air.
Ben follows Peter outside.
Peter: Stop following me!
Ben: Okay, I won't drive you. But I know what's happening.
Peter: No, you don't.
Ben: Peter, look, you're changing. I know. I went through the exact same thing at your age.​
Peter: Not exactly.
He tries to walk away. Ben grabs him.
Ben: Just listen, Peter, these are the years when a man changes into the man he's going to be for the rest of his life. You're a good boy now, but you might turn into something worse. Remember; with great power comes great responsibility. Now, I know I'm not your father, b-​
Peter: THEN STOP PRETENDING TO BE! Leave me alone!
Peter wriggles out of Ben's grip and sprints off. Ben just stans there, heartbroken, as a tear rolls down his cheek.
Peter runs, until he turns a corner and is out of sight. He hears some people shouting nearby.
Man: Hey kid! Stop that guy!
Peter turns and sees a man in a leather jacket and fabric hat runs past. Peter just ignores. The man who shouted to him runs up to him.​
Man: What's up with you, you coulda stuck your foot out and he woulda been kissing pavement!​
Peter: I missed the part where that's my problem.
The man gives him a dirty look and walks off round the corner, in an attempt to chase the man. Peter gets up and runs again. Runs around Queens until he finds who he's looking for.
Flash Thompson. In his usual hideaway of the park. Peter silently slips over the fence and wanders across the grass. He sneaks out.
Peter: Flash!
Flash jumps and looks round.​
Flash: Puny Parker! Come for a rematch?
Peter: Yes.​
Flash: Hehe, let's do this!
Flash swings a punch at Peter, who easily dodges. Flash leaps forward and Peter leaps out of the way, so Flash slams into a wall. Flash roars in rage, and goes to punch at Peter, but is greeted with a punch in the gut from Peter. Flash drops to the ground and rolls around in pain.
Flash: Ah... You bastard!
Peter laughs and runs off. When he gets far away, he throws up his hands in celebration, and two streams of white plasmatic substance. Peter looks at his hands in disbelief, than does the same. He splays his hand out, and presses his middle and ring fingers to his palm. The same thing happens. Peter grins and runs home. When he arrives, he sees an ambulance and police cars.
Peter: Oh God, no!
Peter runs into the house, ducking under the police tape. He sees a white outline on the floor, and his Aunt crying on the sofa. She looks up and sees Peter there.
Peter: Aunt May!​
May: Peter... He came in... He shot Ben!
Peter stands, wide eyed and trembling. Then he runs. He knows what to do. He runs upstairs and goes into his room. He opens a draw and sees what he's looking for: Some gloves and a balaclava. He changes into a red shirt and jeans, and puts on the balaclava and gloves. Peter sneaks out of the house and then tries something. He shoots the web stuff again, but this time, he grabs it, and swings. Before he hits the ground he spins another one. And repeats. He has discover web-swinging! Peter follows the police cars, and they stop at an old warehouse on the waterfront. Peter swings up and lands on top. The criminal hears the thump.
Burgular: Who's there?!
Peter lowers himself down on a web behind the man.
Peter: Boo.
The burgular turns and yells out in surprise. He stumbles back and falls over. Peter drops off of the web.
Burgular: Please! No! JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE!​
Peter: What about my Uncle? Did you give him a chance? Did you?!
Peter picks the burgular up by the scruff of the neck and slams him into the wall. A police spotlight shines in on his face. It's the man Peter didn't stop.
Peter: No! That face! It can't be!
Peter accidently lets go, and the burgular pulls out a gun.
Burgular: End of the line.
BLAM! At the moment he shoots, Peter fires webbing at his gun, exploding it and most of the burgular's hand. Peter kicks him out of the window, then catches him on web and ties hm to the side of the window frame. Peter jumps out the back and swings off. He lands on a gargoyle, and takes off his balaclava. Tears run down his face, as he remembers Uncle Ben's words.
Ben: With Great Power, must always come Great responsibility.​
Peter looks straight at the camera, and swings into it.

Next time....
Doctors and scientists look at the camera.
Doctor (V.O): I'm sorry, there's been some change.
Harry lowers his head at Peter.
Harry: Pete... I don't know what to do! They say he's dead, but there's been a transferring from hospitals that people think is him!
Peter, in a Spider-man costume minus the webbing on it, swings forward.
Gruff Voice (V.O): Spider-man must die!
A yellow eye with green eyelids opens.
A monstrous green face cackles hideously.
Goblin (V.O): Norman Osborn is dead!
I don't like your Osborn. 'Oh my God' and a pop culture reference? No way.
I don't like your Osborn. 'Oh my God' and a pop culture reference? No way.
Yeah, I admit that episode wasn't as good as I imagined, it just sorted sounded good in my head. He's more badass in pt. 2, don't worry.
I'll rephrase my post:
Please post, a post CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM as to why you do not like if you do not.

I dislike the entire concept. I don't understand why you insist writing in a script format when this is never going to go into production of any sort. The dialog is unrealistic and there isn't any uniqueness to the characters. There's virtually no character definition or development.
I dislike the entire concept. I don't understand why you insist writing in a script format when this is never going to go into production of any sort. The dialog is unrealistic and there isn't any uniqueness to the characters. There's virtually no character definition or development.
I take it that's why you abandoined it before without bothering to tell me?

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