hey arachnid guy Stan-Lee was my friend before you guys picked on him and then one of you guys reported him(thats low to a guy that is new) cant we just be friends is all he said...i know because i read the thread. And now your problally goning to say something mean about me too just because i said something that makes you want to make me look low. thats how high leveled players treat noobs.(you were a noob once be nice to the others..)
...the end.
that is all i have to say... i stand up 4 noobs because they need time to get used to things no one is born a comic book enstine.(just think about that...)
plz archnid guy just think about what i wrote and i do not mean to make you angry in one bit im just trying to show you what it is like from a noobs perspective....
I do agree with you archnid guy on one matter: Stan-Lee
should have waited before making threads to get used to the site...in that only way he was a noob... thank you and good bye...
By the way: I don't like to be labelled a 'noob bully' or whatever, it's just when 'noobs' post ignorant and illogical comments without doing the research beforehand, it annoys the hell outta us 'regulars'.
I have tolerance, up to an extent. When people register, they should know the rules.
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