Spoiler Question About Faora And Zods Shipmates At The End


May 23, 2013
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As we all saw during the Krypton scene where Zod, Faora and henchmen were condemned to the Phantom Zone, they were all encased in something like ice or some shielding before they were exiled. But in the last scene with Faora when Kal-Els ship was activated on the C-17 to create the singularity to send them back to the Zone, Faora and Zods crew didn't have time to get encased again in that clear shielding. So my question is do any of you think they survived or could survive the Zone? They weren't conditioned prior like on Krypton and their ship had a serious hull breach.
Was it established that they NEEDED such "encasing" to "survive" the Phantom Zone? Honestly asking, as i don't recall that. I assumed that the encasing was partially their transport to the ship to take them to the PZ, and also meant as a confinement for their imprisonment.

I don't think that they fully established WHAT the Phantom Zone is once you're in it.
The Phantom Zone appears to just be some sort of subspace. The Kryptonians survived in it before, as Zod explained when they were turning the phantom generator into a phantom drive to travel to Earth.
I didn't think that a singularity was the same thing as the Phantom Zone. I thought they all died.
I didn't think that a singularity was the same thing as the Phantom Zone. I thought they all died.

It's the same. They crated a singularity when they were first sent to the phantom zone. They pass the triangle thing and get sucked into a singularity.
I thought it was a portal to another dimension or something, where they exist in the same physical position, but in a another plane of reality or something. I thought that, when Kal-El's ship was "bombed" onto Black Zero it opened up a singularity that destroyed both ships and all the occupants (but somehow avoids becoming a black hole that envelopes Earth).

I'm not arguing, but simply trying to seek clarification.

They arent dead I think, it's left to open interpretation but I think this isnt the last we will see of Meloni and that Hamilton doc

They arent dead I think, it's left to open interpretation but I think this isnt the last we will see of Meloni and that Hamilton doc
There is no way Hamilton and Hardy could have survived the plane collision. They were human. Faora could though.

As we all saw during the Krypton scene where Zod, Faora and henchmen were condemned to the Phantom Zone, they were all encased in something like ice or some shielding before they were exiled. But in the last scene with Faora when Kal-Els ship was activated on the C-17 to create the singularity to send them back to the Zone, Faora and Zods crew didn't have time to get encased again in that clear shielding. So my question is do any of you think they survived or could survive the Zone? They weren't conditioned prior like on Krypton and their ship had a serious hull breach.

Nothing is stated they needed to be encased in those "shells" to be sent into the Phantom Zone, only that they were encased in them while being moved to the Black Zero(that is what that ship was called, right?) where the Black Zero takes them to the Phantom Zone, most likely to let them out in the PZ where the "shells" would most likely dissolve. If you remember, we see Zod, Faora and his men out of their shells after the Black Zero was pulled out of that void that sends them to the PZ.
I still have no idea about any of this "terraforming"...Went over my little brain...All I know is Professor "what's his name" was brilliant enough to stick that silly key into the "whatever it was" that ANNIHILATED the best character in the movie: Faora...:(
I still have no idea about any of this "terraforming"...Went over my little brain...All I know is Professor whats his name was brilliant enough to stick that silly key into the whatever it was that ANNIHILATED the best character in the movie: Faora...:(

A good death is its own reward
My thought was that they were placed in suspended animation type thing...maybe they could still think but not move or something...because they were supposed to be in the zone for something like 300 cycles or whatever...and while I dont know how long a cycle is, I assumed that they'd be dead by 300 without some sort of cryogenic state.
I think the ice casing has to do with the punishment at hand "somatic reconditioning." If I may speculate, I think somatic reconditioning refers to the rearranging/removal of a somatic cell's DNA, so that they would be granted newer DNA material.

That would imply that Zod and co would've lost the genetic material of their ancestors and lose the purpose that they were genetically engineered for, fits in quite well with the theme of Krypton. Who knows? Maybe they could've been scientists/farmers/etc by the end of their punishment. Too bad we have no idea what it actually is.
A good death is its own reward
I love that line...

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