Steel appreciation


Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
One of my favorite DC characters since i first saw him after Superman's death and one of the coolest characters in that universe.
I liked him during 52

This might be too controversial, but he still just kind of seems like the black version of a popular white character because there wasnt enough black superheroes on the market.
I think his appearances in the new 52 have done quite a bit to make him his own character. His role in the Rotworld storyline is really interesting as he's willing save his brain to a harddrive and give up the remaining biological aspects of himself to avoid getting taken over by the rot.
I liked him during 52

This might be too controversial, but he still just kind of seems like the black version of a popular white character because there wasnt enough black superheroes on the market.

Do you think he's DC's black answer to Iron Man? and that John Henry Irons is similar to Tony Stark?

I think Iron Man is what DC had in mind when they wanted to do their own version of that character. In fact in a cameo with both characters as a team in that crossover event in 1996 they even fought in the DC vs. Marvel crossover card series that year which was a logical fight.
Do you think he's DC's black answer to Iron Man? and that John Henry Irons is similar to Tony Stark?

I think Iron Man is what DC had in mind when they wanted to do their own version of that character. In fact in a cameo with both characters as a team in that crossover event in 1996 they even fought in the DC vs. Marvel crossover card series that year which was a logical fight.

I meant black buddy of a popular white character. Superman has Steel. Captain America has Falcon. Iron Man has War Machine. They are all very passive just developed enough characters who happen to be black and had have been permanently chained to the much more prominent white character.

Although like redhawk said, his role in Rotworld has been good. Geoff Johns should put him on Justice League of America.
I meant black buddy of a popular white character. Superman has Steel. Captain America has Falcon. Iron Man has War Machine. They are all very passive just developed enough characters who happen to be black and had have been permanently chained to the much more prominent white character.
Its often been diffictult to get solo black superheroes to sell which is why they often make them a brand extension of already popular existing chracters like the ones you mention as well as Black Goliath/Giant Man, Aquaman/Aqualad (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan/John Stewart), Spider-Man (Peter Parker/Miles Morales) Nick Fury/Marcus Fury, ect.

If comic fans were more open to brand new superheroes of colour this wouldn't happen as much. You would have more original superheroes of colour with no connections to existing heroes.

Anyway I'm fan of Steel/John Henry Irons. I used to read his solo series in the 90s. Steel is very different from Clark Kent/Superman in terms of powers, personality, background, occupation, ect.
Its often been diffictult to get solo black superheroes to sell which is why they often make them a brand extension of already popular existing chracters like the ones you mention as well as Black Goliath/Giant Man, Aquaman/Aqualad (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan/John Stewart), Spider-Man (Peter Parker/Miles Morales) Nick Fury/Marcus Fury, ect.

If comic fans were more open to brand new superheroes of colour this wouldn't happen as much. You would have more original superheroes of colour with no connections to existing heroes.

Anyway I'm fan of Steel/John Henry Irons. I used to read his solo series in the 90s. Steel is very different from Clark Kent/Superman in terms of powers, personality, background, occupation, ect.

I understand all of this, but it is difficult to be passionate about a character when these are the cards he is dealt.
If comic fans were more open to brand new superheroes...
You could have stopped there...

as far as steel is concerned, can you cue me in on his n52 version (powers, origin), does he still go around as supes nbr 1 fan? what does he look like now.

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