Superhero Squad!?


Watchin' you!
Dec 30, 2002
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WTF is that!? Marvel is releasing this next year and as a big of zombie I am, I don't have a clue who this is. Someone clue the Docster in. :o
maybe its the teen avengers movie
Superhero Squad is not the Teen Avengers dvd as SHS arrives in 2009, while Teen Avengers is a mid 2008 release. Superhero Squad is either a new superteam, or just a place holder til the real title is revealed.
gotcha man[sorry the pun was irrisistable]thanks
wait a sec i just remembers superhero squad is the name of the miniature toy line
wait a sec i just remembers superhero squad is the name of the miniature toy line
Yup, Superhero Squad is a Toyline of Hasbro's. Basically they have the original Avengers, X-Men, and the FF.
Yup, Superhero Squad is a Toyline of Hasbro's. Basically they have the original Avengers, X-Men, and the FF.

So I'm guessing a Superhero Squad cartoon will be following the cutsy designs of the toys, and have story lines for very young kids.

Good, make kid specific crap, and try to release more mature/serious ones for the ageing fans!

I hate when they dumb things up for the kids sake.
Yup, Superhero Squad is a Toyline of Hasbro's. Basically they have the original Avengers, X-Men, and the FF.

Ah! kind of like the Avengers with members like Storm, Spidey, Cap, IM, Reed, Thing..............?
It's the name of the kids toy line...

Some of them are hillarious looking...for example...




Look at that Sentinel! That's the happiest genocidal, racist killing machine I've ever seen!

So as has been said, it's probably gonna be a show/movie/whatever aimed at young kids, 3-10 I would guess, just like the toys.
It's the name of the kids toy line...

Some of them are hillarious looking...for example...




Look at that Sentinel! That's the happiest genocidal, racist killing machine I've ever seen!

So as has been said, it's probably gonna be a show/movie/whatever aimed at young kids, 3-10 I would guess, just like the toys.
EVERYONE LOOKS SO FREAKIN HAPPY! EVEN THE SENTINEL IS SMILING! BE HAPPY KIDS! OR APOCOLYPSE WILL WIN... WITH SMILES! Also is Galactus giving Torch the look down! I didn't know he went that way!
When we first got those at the Toys R Us I work at, me and one of my co-workers just stood there for 2 minutes laughing at the Galactus one. The Sentinel and Apocalypse which just came out recently are even funnier though.

My guess is this will be similar in tone to the old Spider-Man Electric Company shows, where the villains arent really all that villainous, and the heroes are all happy and get along.

Although, an odd thing, is that they actually made a Civil War set of the figures too...for some reason Hulk was in it :confused:
a CIVIL WAR SUPERHERO SQUAD ?how on earth'sTHAT gonna work?





Well, some of them managed to look slightly pissed.
Fin Fang Foom appears to be on drugs. Also, the Wasp is clearly a dude.
So I'm guessing a Superhero Squad cartoon will be following the cutsy designs of the toys, and have story lines for very young kids.

Good, make kid specific crap, and try to release more mature/serious ones for the ageing fans!

I hate when they dumb things up for the kids sake.

More likely (considering the young avengers dvd bit is already a kid friendly property) they are simply using it as a bland place name while they work on something like the defenders or champions or whatever in secret.
What's hilarious is on top of all those other characters, which can be violent and all but aren't too bad, they actually have a Deadpool and Punisher set:


Frank Castle. Gunning down criminals with a smile on his face.
I wanna see happy scrappy Carnage.

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