Ok...no, no, no, no....AAAAAAAAAAAND no.
First of all Jonny 10 year old probably has parents who explain to him what's exceptable behavior and what isn't. He probably also goes to school. This kid has a brain in his head for which he chooses how to filter and associate things and how he's going to act. He also has a big mouth and talked with his parents who can teach him right from wrong.
Thats a pretty quaint view of the world you have there. Its a fact of life - kids, especially young ones, will try to copy something or someone they consider to be a "role model", which usually some character they see on tv. The seriousness of the action/words/etc that they're copying doesn't matter, but if the action is a negative one, they have no idea unless they're reprimanded or told not to. And the longer it takes for a bad action to be corrected, the harder it is for the notion of "oh, thats bad, i shouldn't do that" to kick in. Talk to any teacher or child psychologist and they will tell you this is true. Its a fact of life.
This article is pure bull***** pretty much solely based on this comment:
"Today's superhero is too much like an action hero who participates in non-stop violence; he's aggressive, sarcastic, and rarely speaks to the virtue of doing good for humanity," she said.
"These men, like Iron Man"
Stop right there...Tony Stark stops manufactuing weapons for the good of humanity after seeing them up close and in the wrong hands. In reaction to this, the cost of his stock and company plummit. This is a MASSIVELY selfless act for the good of humanity. He then dons a suit of armor and throws himself into a war zone in Afganistan to save people...again, selfless.
You'll see no argument from me concerning this.
Also...the movie does not glamorize his womanizing and boozing...it just shows it. There's is nothing in these movies showing these activities and saying "hey...this is a wonderful thing by the way!"
I'm not saying in anyway that the filmmakers' intent was to impregnate our youths mind with awful thoughts of one night stands and drunk driving. They might not have Tony Stark stop in mid thrust and say "Hey, kids! This is awesome!", but they sure don't show the down side of it. And please, the scene were the stripper pole comes down in the airplane and all the stewardess' are dancing for Tony is every guys' wet dream. They're showing that with power and wealth, you can have any woman you want, as much booze as you can swallow, and no one will tell you "No." (I'm fully aware its an important plot point and aspect of the character's growth, but kids dont understand that).
Look, the bottom line is images don't make us do things.
Agreed. But to deny the power that the printed word, film, etc has in terms of
influencing people's out looks, opinions and actions would be absurd.
We chose how we act. Impressionable kids do too and they have parents and school to help teach them good and bad.
It would be wonderful if that were true with every child. But sadly, its not. And that number grows. And typically impressionable kids don't always know the correct choice to make. Hell, most ADULTS don't make the right choices, either. If what you are saying were true for everyone, then we wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation, nor would there be any drugs, murder, prostitution, war, religious zealots, divorce, etc.
The rest is how they chose to react and it's not the fault of the image. It's personal responsibility.
First, I agree, fully, that its not the fault of the image. But most young kids (especially those who would be at a greater risk of being poorly influenced by what they see and hear) don't understand the concept of personal responsibility, especially if a true and proper role model is slacking or nonexistent. My mother is a kindergarten teacher, and last year, she taught a boy who repeatedly hit girls, cussed, and pulled his genitals out because his father was a wife beater, drunk, and watched porn with the kid in the room. Are you telling me that 5 year old kid should have known better, or that what he saw had no affect on his actions?